Dear {Recipient},
Wow. It's unbelievable that I have to sit here and write this letter to you. I can't believe {the deceased} is gone, and I can't imagine how you must be feeling right now. Doesn't it seem like we're too young for this? Just yesterday we were {something you did together as younger people}, weren't we?
I miss {the deceased} like crazy, and I'll never forget {something funny the deceased did}. I'll hold on to that memory and so many others, knowing that they can bring me some small comfort in the face of this overwhelming grief. I know the grief is exponentially greater for you, but I hope you can find some peace in your happy memories, too.
I hope you know that I am here for you, no matter what you might need. This is my job as your friend, and I don't intend to fail. So, lean on me. Rely on me. I'll be here.