So since there's no english subs here's a summary of what they said: First Jimin said how he caught Jhope touching himself while sleeping and he showed how Hope was doing it hahah and then Jhope said that since he was a kid he used to caress his or his moms body like that and he said that honestly he likes it :D Second perv is Jongkook and his fetish for girls perfume and that he sprays it on himself sometimes too. Third pervs are Jin and Rapmon, they're really just pervs. And then they asked him to reveal at least one of them and said that Rapmon really has a pervy vibe hahah then Jimin said that Rapmon knows the names of all the girl groups. Jhope wanted to add that he shares a computer with Rapmon and it has a lot of viruses - implying that Rapmon watches a lot of porn hahaha. So they chose Rapmon as the most pervy member and said it's okay he has a Porn mania hahah. Hope it helps with understanding :)