Hello people of the free world! My name is Daniel Taro a.k.a. the Erroneous Monk and I am the flyest MC on planet earth! Like all rappers, and human beings, I started out as a little baby. I was born on September 7th, 1988, at Credit Valley Hospital in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, to my beautiful Mom and Dad, Diane and Greg. I was their first child, and they gave me my middle name “Taro”, which means “first born son” in Japanese.
When I was 3 years old, I became an older brother when my Sister, Reiko, arrived. Today, we are still very close even though I live in Thailand and she lives back in Canada. We enjoy playing video games together, especially New Super Mario Bros for Nintendo Wii. In May 2014, Reiko and I travelled to Japan with our Mom, Aunt Jane, Aunt Gail and Cousin Drew, to discover our Japanese roots. It was a brilliant vacation and an amazing growing experience for our family!
I am now 27 years old and live in Khlong San, a district in Bangkok, Thailand. It is my first time living alone and I like the independence. I often go to the Khlong San Plaza for shopping or food because it’s affordable and delicious! Two weeks ago, I purchased a motorbike so I can easily get to my job at Potisarn School, where I am an English teacher. I love my new students very much and they make working in Bangkok an extreme pleasure!
In my spare time I like to write, play sports, listen to music, meditate, travel and hangout online. I often tell my students that I love social media because it helps me stay connected to my family and friends back home. When I am travelling, I use Instagram filters to make my pictures look top-notch! So far, in Southeast Asia, I have travelled around Thailand and Laos and I have plans to backpack through Vietnam in October. I’m excited!
I am grateful for my family, my life in Bangkok and the opportunity to travel! Everyday is a new adventure and I try to balance entertainment and work. I want to be a great teacher and inspire my students. Seeing them happy makes me happy too! I also want to finish writing the two rap albums I have been working on and pursue my dream of being a great artist. I vow to work hard for myself and for others to create positive change!