Dear All
From last weekly meeting (yesterday) have some details to finished before this month, the details follow this;
1. Closed Out Document
The Closed Out Document have conclusion all work must be finished reference the contact and send all items to consultant before hand over the work.
(QS Team, please conclusion from contact to project team kub)
2. Shop Drawing
Deadline to approved all Shop Drawing must be sending within this month (July).
3. As-Build Shop Drawing
1) For Checking, please sending first before send the real shop drawing. Sending within August.
2) As-Build Shop Drawing must be finished and sending within September.
(Design Team, please prepare this information for checking first)
4. Conclusion of supplier List
- Type of Materials, Name of Product, Series, Supplier Name, Contact Person, E-Mail and Map or Location of supplier.
(For this information, I will respond and prepare all document)