Susan pushed the cabin door open they saw the Dutch pilot looking them.
Can we come out now ?
came Roger's voice
Susan said John, Daddy's on that ferry going out of the harbour
He saw us, and shouted, but it was too late.
Daddy It can't be.
They crowded up into the cockpit and watched miserably as the big black ferry left the harbour to go across the sea to Harwich.
The pilot was looking past them down into the cabin.
So many children he said But where is the captain?
John looked at Susan but said nothing
He could not think of anything to say.
It wast Susan who spoke.
We'd better tell you everything,'she said.
There isn't a mean to come to sea.
We didn't mean to come all the way across the Nort Sea.
And now we have to send a telegram and ask Mother to send us some money, so that we can pay you.
No captain? said the pilot.
No captain Four children...and a small cat!
We saved Sinbad on the way said Titty
Four children alone...and you crossed the North Sea in last night's storm.
Not even I would cross the North Sea in so small a boat.
And the pilot took John's arm.
You all alone you brought this little boat all that way in that bad weather?
There is not one boy in Holland who can do that!'
As the pilot was speakung the children heard the noise of a motorboat coming across the harbour towards ther Gobin.
AHOY came an English voice.
The little motorboat was very close to ther Goblin now and children together.
In another moment he was aboard.
Hello said Daddy.
Whose boat is this? I never thought that someone might bring you across to meet me.
We didn't mean to go to sea said Susan.
It was in the fog said John.
We could't help it really said Susan and looking at Daddy she knew that everything was all right now.
It was too mush for.
Tears started to run down her face and sher ran into ther cabin.
Across ther North Sea said ther pilot
Alone Alone across the North Sea I do not believe it but it is true-four children came across the North Sea alone in last night's storm.
Daddy have you got plenty of money? said Roger.
Suasan wants to send a telegram to Mother and we haven't paid ther pilot.
Of course said Daddy as he tuurned to ther pilot.
What is the cost of your work to bring this big boat into Flushing.
The pilot banged his hand down hard on to his knee.
Nothing Nothing at all You have very fine children in to the inner harbour.
Then you can send your telegram
I can't believe it's Daddy really said Titty as ther Gobin moved into the inner harbour at Flushing.
Of course it is said Roger.
I know said Titty but I still can't believe it.
It had been a long time sice they had last seen him but Daddy had not changed a bit.
He was always calm and didn't seem all surprised to find his four children on a little yacht in a Duddy would ask them no questions.
Susan wanted very much to explain everything to him but first they had to send that telegram to Mother.
In the inner harbour ther were lost of small boats all clean and tidy and ther pilot took them over to am empty place beside another pilot ship just like ther ther one they had seen outside Flushing harbour.
The pilot shook hands with all of them but twice with John.
I will bring you charts he said for ther North Sea for your journey home.
I have plenty.
I will see you later captain he said to John and then he was gone.
We'ev got to think about what we're going to say.
But firsh you'd better tell me all about it said Daddy.
Come on and he opened ther door to the cabin.
Let's go down below.
พารากราฟ 2
Jim Brading never heard of him said daddy.
the children were finding it difficult to tell daddy that mother knew nothing about what had had happened.
they did't know what had happened to the owner of ther Goblin.
it was even more difficult to explain how they had sailed into flushing just as he he was leaving on the ferry to Harwich.
mother will be terribly worried said Susan.
daddy thought for afew minutes.
i know what we"ll do.
we've got to let your mother know you're all right.
but we don't want her to worry so we shan't say anything about the north sea.
so the telegram must't come from holland.
but we must send one said susan.
the children had been on the moving deck of a yacht for so long that at first they found it difficult to walk straight on dry land.
they walked slowly through streets with table outside the cafes and people wearing strange clothes.
they reached the post office at last and daddy sent the telegram.
nothing more we can do now he said as they came out again into the fresh air and we've got two hours before the tide turns and we can sail back.
a good idea daddy said roger happily.
thought you might like it said daddy.
came on.
they found a cafe with tables outside and sat down.
suddenly all the children realized that it was a long long time since they had eaten.
they were very hungry and they ate very well.
then john found that his eyes were closing but he woke up again to help tell daddy how they had saved sinbad ther baby cat from the sea.
they bought some bread and milk for the voyage back to harwich and also five pairs of dutch wooden shoes a pair for each of the children and a fifth pair as present for bridget back at home.
then they found their way back to the Goblin.
the dutch pilot was there with a crowd of dutch children.
i have told these boys and girls the pilot said that you sailes in this little boat all the way across the north sea in last night's storm.
they didn't believe me.
but now they can see you and they must believe me.
with the pilot's help daddy bought fresh water petrol for the engine.
and oil for ship's lights and soon they were ready to go.
as the goblin sailed out of the harbour there was a loud shout of goodbye english from the dutch children and the pilot waved goodbye too.
พารากราฟ 3
the goblin was a happier ship now that she was on her way home.
she was not going on and on into unknown seas and everybody on board wanted her sent a telegram to mother they still felt badly when they thought of her waiting for them at pin mill.
they left the land of holland behind them and sailed on as it slowly became dark again.
they had bought petrol but after a while daddy said roger.
go and turn off the engine.
we can sail just as fast without it.
and now it's for bed all of you.
roger and titty first.
i'm not a bit sleepy said roger but orders were orders and two minutes after he went to bed he was fast asleep.
titty had sinbad to take care of but both of them went to sleep very quickly too. susan had prepared a good hot dinner for everybody and had even been able to eat her part of it without felling seasick.
she was tired but so happy that daddy was with them now.
with daddy everything would be all right.
susan too fell asleep very quickly.
john the captain sat in the cockpit holding the tiller while daddy studied the charts and planned the way back to harwaich.
how much easier it was john thought when you had someone else to tell you where to go.
when his father came up on deck again john said
i could go on all night
i expect you could said commander walker but i think you need some sleep.
you've done your bit.
and i've been sitting in train doing nothing for day and days.
it's time to go to bed.
now good night john.
john was quickly in bed but he lay awake for a few minutes thinking about how lucky they had been. and daddy seemed almost pleased with them.
daddy seemed to think they had done rather well.
and then john too fell asleep as the Goblin sailed back across the north sea towards england.