In our intervention program, we used a combination of
population based strategies and individual high risk strategies
for the control of hypertension. The population strategies
used a series of health education classes focusing on the need
for controlling hypertension and their risk factors by prominent
professors of cardiology and public health of the neighboring
Medical College and from the Sree Chitra Tirunal
Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology (SCTIMST),
Trivandrum. The individual high risk strategy used stressing
the need for regular medication, regular blood pressuregiven to those who had elevated blood pressure. We did not
provide any drugs for hypertension. However, we encouraged
the hypertensives to take regular medication from the PHC or
nearby hospitals.
There was a trained field level coordinator selected by the
Panchayat who monitored the intervention activities regularly.
The overall supervision of the project was done by a
trained public health doctor coordinator from SCTIMST along
with the field coordinator located in the Panchayat. The
Principal Investigator (KRT) of the project and a trained public
health doctor attended Panchayat level meeting of the ward
members once in six months as special invitees. During these
meetings progress of the hypertension detection, monitoring
and the involvement of the volunteers, availability of antihypertensive
drugs in the PHCs were discussed. On the same
day, the principal investigator and the trained public health
doctor used to meet the volunteers in their house or at the
checks up and reducing risk factors. This was done during
survey, during physical measurements and during monitoring
of blood pressure. A copy of the education booklet was also