The purpose of the Measure step is to evaluate and understand the current state of the process.
This involves collecting data on measures of quality, cost, and throughput/cycle time. It is
important to develop a list of all of the key process input variables (sometimes abbreviated
KPIV) and the key process output variables (KPOV). The KPIV and KPOV may have been
identified at least tentatively during the Define step, but they must be carefully defined and
measured during the Measure step. Important factors may be the time spent to perform various
work activities and the time that work spends waiting for additional processing. Deciding what
and how much data to collect are important tasks; there must be sufficient data to allow for
a thorough analysis and understanding of current process performance with respect to the key
metrics. The data collected during the Measure step may be displayed in various ways such as
histograms, stem-and-leaf diagrams, run charts, scatter diagrams, and Pareto charts.
Data may be collected by examining historical records, but this may not always be satisfactory,
as the history may be incomplete, the methods of record keeping may have changed over time,
and, in many cases, the desired information may not have been retained. Consequently, it is
often necessary to collect current data through an observational study, or it may be done by
sampling from the relevant data streams. When there are many workers in the system, work
sampling may be useful. In transactional and service businesses, it may be necessary to develop
appropriate measurements and a measurement system for recording the information that are
specific to the organization. This is a major difference between manufacturing and services.
Measurement systems and data on system performance often already exist in manufacturing,
since the necessity for the data is usually more obvious in manufacturing than in services.
The data that are collected are used as the basis for determining the current state or baseline
performance of the process. Additionally, the capability of the measurement system should be
evaluated to make sure the team is not trying to solve an imaginary problem in which the process
The purpose of the Measure step is to evaluate and understand the current state of the process.This involves collecting data on measures of quality, cost, and throughput/cycle time. It isimportant to develop a list of all of the key process input variables (sometimes abbreviatedKPIV) and the key process output variables (KPOV). The KPIV and KPOV may have beenidentified at least tentatively during the Define step, but they must be carefully defined andmeasured during the Measure step. Important factors may be the time spent to perform variouswork activities and the time that work spends waiting for additional processing. Deciding whatand how much data to collect are important tasks; there must be sufficient data to allow fora thorough analysis and understanding of current process performance with respect to the keymetrics. The data collected during the Measure step may be displayed in various ways such ashistograms, stem-and-leaf diagrams, run charts, scatter diagrams, and Pareto charts.Data may be collected by examining historical records, but this may not always be satisfactory,as the history may be incomplete, the methods of record keeping may have changed over time,and, in many cases, the desired information may not have been retained. Consequently, it isoften necessary to collect current data through an observational study, or it may be done bysampling from the relevant data streams. When there are many workers in the system, worksampling may be useful. In transactional and service businesses, it may be necessary to developappropriate measurements and a measurement system for recording the information that arespecific to the organization. This is a major difference between manufacturing and services.Measurement systems and data on system performance often already exist in manufacturing,since the necessity for the data is usually more obvious in manufacturing than in services.The data that are collected are used as the basis for determining the current state or baselineperformance of the process. Additionally, the capability of the measurement system should beevaluated to make sure the team is not trying to solve an imaginary problem in which the process
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