Rainfall scarcity, high potential evapotranspiration and water resources constraints are
problems in agriculture in Iran. During drought periods, when temperature rises and rainfall
reduces, crisis arises at a faster rate. Subsequent loses due to droughts in agriculture sector,
as well as direct and indirect vulnerability of agriculture, necessitate the accurate planning on
the basis of potential and limited resources for sustainable agriculture. Till 1995 in all
countries, there were not major plans for drought mitigation. Therefore, the traditional
practice was to organize a task committee casually after the drought occurrence, to reduce
the drought damages. These decisions were made, in those offices fast and random
immediately after the drought reached to maximum. Therefore, little attention was paid to
drought mitigation. The occurrence of several intense and vast droughts in the United States
like those of 1996 drew the attention of scientists, planners and the U.S. government in
droughts management towards changing the disaster management approach to drought risk
management. In drought risk management, the decisions are clear, applicable and dynamic.
Moreover, in this approach the emphasis is on alertness and readiness for drought risk