We did find significant differences (p < .01) between the faculties on the items “Read books”, with Arts and
Humanities reporting reading more books than all other students, and the item “Play computer games”, with
reporting engineering students reporting a higher frequency of playing games than health science students.
Back to the Spanish case: Regarding internal services, especially class attendant media like scripts and slides of the
teacher are highly accepted, along with university information services such as library catalogues. Electronic texts,
such as e-books or electronic journals also have already penetrated the students’ learning environment son a high
level. In general. e-learning-services such as learning platforms or wikis used in class are only used rarely and with
little satisfaction, with one exception: among the UB sample the learning platform Moodle (ranked 10th place) is
among the top ten accepted media services, while in the other surveys learning platforms are placed in the middle or
lower third of the ranking.