Kiwi fruit is originally from Chaina. It is called Mi Hou Tao in Chinese, and it was once a favorite of the great Khan emperors. Today you can find kiwi all over the world. The small, oval-shaped fruit gets its name from the native bird of New Zealand, the kiwi. Both the fruit and bird have fuzzy brown skin. Inside, the fruit is bright green with tiny black seeds. It tastes like a combination of strawberry, baked in fruit tarts, put into green salads, mixed in fruit salad, or sliced with yogurt or ice cream. Kiwi fruit adds a wonderful flavor and appearance to food. But the kiwi is much more than an exotic fruit. According to recent studies, kiwi has the most nutrients of all fruits. The protective properties of kiwi can help children with breathing problems and coughs. It is an excellent source of vitamin C, and it is good for colds and asthma.