that baseline characteristics would be the same between
groups, baseline differences were likely to occur, and thus
analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was performed to take
account of chance imbalances at baseline between the
groups, using a baseline score as a covariate variable. This
analysis was used to compare differences in outcome
measures between the two groups and to estimate the
adjusted mean differences and the 95% confidence intervals
for each outcome measure of each group. All data were
analyzed using the intention-to-treat principle.
Demographic and baseline clinical characteristics
Demographic data and baseline clinical characteristics of
the two groups are shown in Table 1. Baseline results for
each outcome measured pre- and post-treatment are
shown in Table 2.
Effects of traditional Thai massage and physical
therapy modalities on the patients with
scapulocostal syndrome
The pain intensity, PPT, muscle tension and state anxiety
inventory (STAI) all showed significant improvements with