Dear K’Wichada
To comply with 60 km/h for Articulated vehicle as law requirement, so now SLB is lowered speed limit for DIW system.
The what we need to completed is re-program for every PIVMS in MML heavy vehicle(HV).
So the plane is;
1. First round; take full 2 set of PIVMS from MML HV send to K’Ake in BKK to re-program and re-calibrate
2. Second round; take full 2 set of PIVMS from MML HV send to K’Ake in BKK to re-program and re-calibrate
3. Third round; take full 2 set of PIVMS from MML HV send to K’Ake in BKK to re-program and re-calibrate
4. Fourth round; take full 1 set of PIVMS from MML HV send to K’Ake in BKK to re-program and re-calibrate
When finished no.1 K’Ake will send it back to you to place in you HV then you can send no.2 to K’Ake again, this plan will run like this until we finish all to minimize logistics effect.
Note; Cannot use HV with no PIVMS for SLB manage trip.
Dear K’Piyanat/P’Piggy
Please advise if this above plan have a potential to effect in term of transportation/logistics or not? Please confirm if no any concern we can start this plan by today.
LTC management
No. Vehicle Plate Vehicle ID PIVMS S/N SIM Segment Vehicle type Remark
1 99-8410 241 0649TE000540 0818300551 MML HV Songkhla
2 51-3108 293 0649TE001188 0818300563 MML HV Songkhla
3 99-9748 242 0649TE000734 0818300569 MML HV Songkhla
4 51-3107 292 0649TE001181 0818300608 MML HV Songkhla
5 51-3106 291 0649TE000631 0818300627 MML HV Songkhla
6 51-3105 290 0649TE000605 0818300714 MML HV Songkhla
7 51-3104 240 0649TE001196 0818300641 MML HV Songkhla