Antimicrobial activity
Disc diffusion assay
Two-fold serial dilutions of the EO was made
by diluting 10 % DMSO to prepare a decreasing
concentration between 500 μl/ml to 7.81 μl/ml.
Antibacterial activity was determined by using disc
diffusion assay. 100 μl of suspension containing
108 cfu/ml of bacteria spread on tryptic soy agar
(TSA) medium by a sterile swab 14. The discs (6
mm in diameter) were impregnated with 10 μl of
the EO and placed on the inoculated agar. Negative controls were prepared using the same sol-
vents employed to dilute the EO. Positive controls were prepared using the antibiotics as indicated in Table 2. The bacterial cultures were incubated at 27°C for 48 h. Antimicrobial activity
was determined via measurement the zone of
inhibition. Each test assays were repeated triplicate