Should you require a visa for entry to China please complete the attached visa invitation letter including any additional information that may be required by your local embassy.
Please return the duly completed letter to t: +65 6597 1402, m: +65 9113 3270, who will arrange for the required legal signatures and stamp. To allow adequate time for visa applications please return your visa letter by 12pm (noon), 4th June (GMT+8).
A soft copy will be returned to you by 9th June (GMT+8). Should you require a hardcopy to be sent, or have an urgent need to receive this letter prior to this date please indicate this to us when returning your form. In addition, confirmation of booking letters to support your visa application will be issued by the hotel within 1-2 working days of your registration. Therefore please do complete your registration as early as possible to ensure all documentation is available for your visa application.
Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns you may have. We look forward to hearing from you.Should you require a visa for entry to China please complete the attached visa invitation letter including any additional information that may be required by your local embassy.
Please return the duly completed letter to t: +65 6597 1402, m: +65 9113 3270, who will arrange for the required legal signatures and stamp. To allow adequate time for visa applications please return your visa letter by 12pm (noon), 4th June (GMT+8).
A soft copy will be returned to you by 9th June (GMT+8). Should you require a hardcopy to be sent, or have an urgent need to receive this letter prior to this date please indicate this to us when returning your form. In addition, confirmation of booking letters to support your visa application will be issued by the hotel within 1-2 working days of your registration. Therefore please do complete your registration as early as possible to ensure all documentation is available for your visa application.
Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns you may have. We look forward to hearing from you.