introduction: Postpartum screening for glucose intolerance among women with recent histories of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is im-portant for identifying women with continued glucose intolerance after birth, yet screening rates are suboptimal. In a thorough review of theliterature, we found no studies of screening practices among certified nurse-midwives (CNMs). The objectives of our study were to estimate theprevalence of postpartum screening for abnormal glucose tolerance and related care by CNMs for women with recent histories of GDM and toidentify strategies for improvement.Methods: From October through December 2010, the Ohio Department of Hea lth sent a survey by mail and Internet to all licensedCNMs practicing in Ohio. We calculated prevalence estimates for knowledge, attitudes, clinical practices, and behaviors related to postpar-tum diabetes screening. Chi-square statistics were used to assess differences in self-reported clinical behaviors by frequency of postpartumscreening.Results: Of the 146 CNMs who provided postpartum care and responded to the survey (62.2% response rate), 50.4% reported screening womenwith GDM-affected pregnancies for abnormal glucose tolerance at the postpartum visit. Of CNMs who screened postpartum, only 48.4% usedfasting blood sugar or the 2-hour oral glucose tolerance test. Although 86.2% of all responding CNMs reported that they inform women withrecent histories of GDM of their increased risk for type 2 diabetes mellitus, only 63.1% counseled these women to exercise regularly and23.3% reported referring overweight/obese women to a diet support group or other nutrition counseling. CNMs reported that identif icationof community resources for lifestyle interventions and additional trai ning in postpartum screening guidelines may help to improve postpartumcare.Discussion: CNMs in Ohio reported suboptimal levels of postpartum diabetes testing and use of a recommended postpartum test. ProvidingCNMs with additional training and identifying community resources to support needed lifestyle behavior change may improve care for womenwith recent GDM-affec ted pregnancies.J Midwifery Womens Health 2013;58:33–40c2013 by the American College of Nurse-Midwives.
introduction: Postpartum screening for glucose intolerance among women with recent histories of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is im-portant for identifying women with continued glucose intolerance after birth, yet screening rates are suboptimal. In a thorough review of theliterature, we found no studies of screening practices among certified nurse-midwives (CNMs). The objectives of our study were to estimate theprevalence of postpartum screening for abnormal glucose tolerance and related care by CNMs for women with recent histories of GDM and toidentify strategies for improvement.Methods: From October through December 2010, the Ohio Department of Hea lth sent a survey by mail and Internet to all licensedCNMs practicing in Ohio. We calculated prevalence estimates for knowledge, attitudes, clinical practices, and behaviors related to postpar-tum diabetes screening. Chi-square statistics were used to assess differences in self-reported clinical behaviors by frequency of postpartumscreening.Results: Of the 146 CNMs who provided postpartum care and responded to the survey (62.2% response rate), 50.4% reported screening womenwith GDM-affected pregnancies for abnormal glucose tolerance at the postpartum visit. Of CNMs who screened postpartum, only 48.4% usedfasting blood sugar or the 2-hour oral glucose tolerance test. Although 86.2% of all responding CNMs reported that they inform women withrecent histories of GDM of their increased risk for type 2 diabetes mellitus, only 63.1% counseled these women to exercise regularly and23.3% reported referring overweight/obese women to a diet support group or other nutrition counseling. CNMs reported that identif icationof community resources for lifestyle interventions and additional trai ning in postpartum screening guidelines may help to improve postpartumcare.Discussion: CNMs in Ohio reported suboptimal levels of postpartum diabetes testing and use of a recommended postpartum test. ProvidingCNMs with additional training and identifying community resources to support needed lifestyle behavior change may improve care for womenwith recent GDM-affec ted pregnancies.J Midwifery Womens Health 2013;58:33–40c2013 by the American College of Nurse-Midwives.
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