Comments and suggestions
7.1 Mr.Komatsu : Customer satisfaction survey should be cover all customers and every section should be participate in Customer satisfaction survey for truly service & support customer problem
7.2 Mr.Hoshino and Mr. Yagi : The staff also lack of consciousness about the correct type of waste. Employee training manager might at least once a year to create awareness regarding safety and the environment.
Garbage plant area, behind the factory. May be added to the May increase the transport cycle to transport garbage disposal .
7.3 Mr.Kokatsu Doccument :The document has increased continuously, affect the store. The area in the document is not enough. Edited by buying the container to store documents.
7.4 Mr.Komatsu :In case of the customers claim, Department QC & QA to respond to customer problems so to prevent problems with the claim. Each department should be responsible for this assignment as well.
7.5 QMR:Suggested a meeting between executives of Japan and head of Thai people, 1-2 hours a week to consult and follow these problems more seriously. And to work together to solve problems accurately and efficiently as possible.