The mean absolute deviation and relative deviation of calculation
are 0.95% and ±2.5% of the measured data.
According to the result obtained from the present study,
it is found that the heat transfer coefficient and pressure drop is
enhanced as the Reynolds number and surface roughness increase.
However, to achieve the proper working condition of a plate heat
exchanger with a rough surface, the criterion for performance evaluation
as used by Webb [17] and Xiao-wei [18] is used to evaluate
the heat transfer enhancement. The ratio of Nusselt number and
friction factor ((Nu/Nus)/(f/fs)1/3) of rough surface plate is compared
with that obtained from a smooth surface plate as shown in Fig. 12.
This ratio can be increased about 3.05%, 5.27% and 11.11% for
roughness of 1.189 lm, 1.378 lm and 3.312 lm, respectively.
Moreover, it can be clearly seen that this ratio decreases with
increasing Reynolds number. It indicates that, under the testing
conditions, the enhancement in heat transfer for a rough surface
with respect to a smooth surface is greater than the pressure drop
penalty; especially, at high roughness and low Reynolds number.
In addition, the exergetic efficiency (e) calculated using the following
equation, is also