The plane was stifling, the prattling and snoring of people and the occasional shout or upset cry from a child was a migraine waiting to happen. Not to mention you were stuck with the middle seat between two old men, one who if you even looked his way took it as an invite for a conversation, and the other who was smart enough to bring headphones and an old fashion CD player you hadn't seen since the release of the iPods. Not to mention no matter how hard you pressed the button the damn chair wouldn't lean backwards which mean you were stuck shuffling yourself into an awkward position just to attempt to sleep without falling onto one of the old men surrounding you. With a frustrated sigh, and eyes fluttering shut you tilted your body toward one side and angled your neck the other way - the only real way to keep your body from plopping over to one side but it was less than comfortable.
"Ah, Miss [Name] you are awake. I hope we didn't disturb your rest we are just checking vitals.. I thought I would personally come to check up on you with the nurses."
Slowly you lifted your drugged filled gaze over to the man beside your hospital bed, a slow and heavy sigh escaping. The words formed into your head, your response on the tip of your tongue but your body was simply to tired to bother with the rest of the process of speech and as if the doctor before understood he leaned closer a gentle smile on his face. One hand reaching over to rest upon your IV ridden one, giving you a gentle and reassuring squeeze and despite the kind smile and comforting gesture your gut plummeted and fear pumped through your veins. The heart rate monitor reacting to the sudden change as it suddenly spiked, the beeps becoming more wild and to express the severity it continued to raise in noise.
"Ah! Forgive me, I didn't mean to startle you. It must be hard after just waking up."
His hand removed but the disgust and fear still ran its course through your body like an electric shock. The haze of drugs clearing way and you could better make out his features.
Disgusting fool..
You flinched, reacting violently by yanking your IV covered hand away and tugging the monitors in the process.
He has absolutely no idea..
Ah, no. You were much to weak for this, the searing gaze of the doctor never leaving your form as the nurse quickly darted to the side of the bed checking the monitors and talking uselessly to your form while making sure the IV hadn't been damaged by your sudden movement. All chatter and reprimanding falling on deaf ears as [Color] eyes and the doctor's cold grey ones that had lost all the gentleness and now looked the appropriate calculating doctor you knew he was.
No idea..
You flinched again, ducking your eyes away from his and lips slowly parting and your parched mouth formed the words slowly. You were too weak to deal with it, and that left you with your only real option.
"Dr. Crombel, it is difficult to fall asleep on my own.. May I..?"
Your voice cracked and you chanced a glance through the bangs that had become a curtain to hide away behind, but as you peeked through you could only grimace at the grin he gave.
"Why of course [Name]. Sleep tight."
You inhaled sharply as the burning sensation tinged and burned your hand as the IV began to inject the medication into your blood stream. The clear vision beginning to grow fuzzy and you exhaled slowly your head falling back and your eyes just barely closing to see the doctor and nurse taking their leave.
You cannot hide forever..
Jerking up from your position, the pain shooting up your neck and a small hiss escaped as you moved to massage the spot on your neck. The announcement from the captain signaling your arrival, and just in time because you were going to go insane if you had to make small chat the rest of your way. The plane suddenly becoming much nosier as people began to gather their things in anticipation to be let off the plane after ten hours on this stuffy thing. The landing was a little rough, but once the plane was in dock and the door opened you wasted no time jumping to your feet and darting out the door with a small 'thank you' to the flight attendants who smiled brightly in response.
To be outside the airport and into the noisy city that housed it, was a breath of fresh air, the back pack hooked onto your shoulder as you looked down at your papers. Hasty plane schedules and the directions to your presumably crude apartment with your small budget as well as the papers giving you the official welcome to Ye Ran Highschool.
You had done it, you could finally start over.