Everyone in the world, male or female, rich or poor, educated or non-educated,
married or unmarried, should have an equality in human right. Intellectual disability is a
global phenomenon which needs a global perspective. Everyone should have an equalized
opportunity to have an access to care, education, vocation, socialization, etc. by a global
team for a global struggle.
After the end of the Second World War in 1945, United Nations (UN) assembled a
general determination of “Universal Declaration of Human Rights” in 1948 which aimed at
treating people all equally irrespective of their differences and difficulties. Declaration on
the Rights of Intellectual Disabled Persons was then established in 1971. UN’s adoption of
the 1975 Declaration on the Rights of Disabled Persons underscored the need to include the
disabled in everyday common practice by challenging the concept of segregation and
institutionalized treatment towards the people with disabilities.
Asian Federation on Mental Retardation (AFMR) was developed and up to now,
there are 15 countries as members in the Federation. Asian Conference on Mental
Retardation was rotated among the AFMR member countries and there were 17
conferences arranged. Thailand was the host in 1979. Aggregation of all 15 countries in
AFMR results in shared new technology, knowledge development, and closer relationship
in order to do more and to learn more for moving to the universe