“Dad! I'm going to the mall!” I say as I slip my bag over my shoulder.
“Which one?” he asks as I head to my front door. (I live near two malls)
“The one that's opening today.” I leave the house before he can say anything else. I cross the street and turn the corner on my right, heading for Gon's house.
“(f/n)!” I turn, seeing Killua as he runs up to me.
“Where are you heading?” he asks picking up his past to keep up with mine.
“The mall, I was just stopping by Gon's house to see how Aunt Mito was doing.” I say stepping onto their front steps.
“Oh.” he says suspiciously. I give him a weird look when I knock, but brush it away when Gon opens the door.
“(f/n)!” He says, giving me and Killua a big hug, making me drop my surprise for him.
“Woah there Gon!” I say laughing as I pull away. “You made me drop your cookies!” Gon's face lights up.
“Cookies?” He says, reaching for my hands.
“Ah, nope, nope, nope! Not until Aunt Mito sees it.” I say tsk-ing him. He looks disappointed but still happy, knowing that Mito-san will let him have it as soon as he wants.
~ … ~
“This is so cute!” I say, lifting the (f/c) blouse I found in the girls section. Killua glanced around looking bored, even though no one else was here with us. Everyone else was too busy looking a the auction going on the second floor.
“You like that one?” he asks. I nod. “Why don't you try it on?” He says as he urges me to the dressing rooms. I take a step into this long hallway and stand there speechless. Letting myself be pulled by Killua's hand. There must have been at least 50 dressing rooms on each side of the hallway. He kept dragging me on as I gaped at the designs on the wall.
“Wow.” Was all I could say. Then I noticed Killua kept walking. “Killua? Why are we going so far back?” He didn't answer and gripped my hand a little tighter.
At the last room on the left, he opened the door and threw me in.
“Ah!” I fell on the couch provided and focused my eyes on Killua. I see his hands fumble at the door and hear a lock click. He turned around at looked at me, then sighed. “Killua..?” He walked over and placed his hands on either side of my head against the wall. His head fell and I looked at him, confused.
“Why did you let Gon...”
“Why did you let Gon do that to you?!” His head shot up and his face morphed into a mix of pain and anguish. I must've looked surprised because his expression softened and his hand moved to my neck. “This is where he started, right?” When I didn't answer he moved his hand away and lowered his head.
“Killua...” His lips pressed against my nape and I blushed, gripping the front of his shirt. “Nngh..” He moved away and kissed my cheekbone.
“Shh.. The others might hear us.” I notice the sound of chatter as more and more people file into the hallway. The auction must have ended. My hands found his back as his hand crept slowly up my thigh. “He... got you here too right?”
"Mnn.." Was all I could manage when his mouth pressed against mine. His tongue slowly went across my mouth and I gasped as slight pleasure soared over me. Was he trying to... clean me from Gon's touch? He's focusing on the places where gon touched me... I.. want.. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him into a tight embrace.
"Tari?" he whispered loudly, surprised. I squeezed a little and I felt his face heat up aginst my own. I then pulled away and looked at the cobalt eyes that stare back at me. He was surprised at my sudden forwardness, but then leaned in and kissed me again. I let myself be lowered onto my back as his tongue slid into my mouth. His body pressed heavily on mine and his hand wandered around my waist, pulling me closer to him as we got into a more confortable position.
Killua P.O.V
This is bad.
I originally wnated to just clean Gon from her body, but I can't help but want more from her. She's letting me do so much... Maybe I could.. My mouth found her earlobe and I nibbled on it, making her back arch slightly. No, that wouldn't be fair. Did she let Gon do the same? Just let him carry on because she was too scared of how he would feel if she rejected him? I bit down on her ear from frustration. Hard.
My P.O.V
I gasped as his teeth bit down on my ear and I clenched his back trying to ease the pain. He immediantly realized what he did and got off of me. "I'm sorry!" he said.
He started to climb off of me but I stopped him, hugging him closer to me.
"No..! Just.. continue." I said, feeling just a little bit embarrassed for my sudden want of physical attention from him. He bit his lip, not wanting to hurt me again, but proceded anyway.
~Time Skip, me lazy~
I left the mall with Killua after buying that blouse I liked and we made our way home. It was now 2:00, so we stayed there for a few hours. (like three) I walked awkwardly along-side Killua and blushed whenever we exchaned glances. When we passed Gon's house and were on the steps to mine, Killua's hand tugged my wrist closer to him and his mouth was a breaths away from my ear. He slowly opened his mouth and whispered in it.
"If I find out you let Gon do that again, the next time I punish you, I'll go all the way." He then walked off with a slight tint of pink on his cheeks and I was left there blushing like a mad woman.