revealed a nonocclusive thrombus that was managedwith administration of enoxaparin. Urinary elimination
continued to be a problem because an anatomical false
passage had been created when an indwelling urinary
catheter was initially placed during TN’s first admission
to the emergency department. A urinary catheter that
was correctly placed while the patient was in the PICU
helped with urination and healing of the anatomic false
passage. Hypotension associated with the continuous
need for sedation and the SIRS was managed by using
norepinephrine. TN was unable to tolerate oral feedings,
necessitating placement of a postpyloric nasal
tube and continuous, low-rate (5-10 mL/h) feedings.
A nasogastric tube was also placed for continuous gastric
decompression. After 15 days of the aforementioned
treatments, TN’s condition finally became stable.