For example, Buddhism is the ultimate goal of Buddhism is liberation from all suffering altogether. Stop the cycle of birth and death. When it does happen again, we would not have to die without pain and without having to suffer physical distress anymore. But it is difficult to practice, to achieve the nirvana. On the way to reach nirvana requires a fair process that requires practice. The practice is justified initially began to practice the five precepts is to behave well both physically and verbally. The second fair next step is to follow the guidelines on Samak 8 which leads to suffering. Keep your mind pure, free from anger, greed, lust, which covers both compliance Samak eight precepts, meditation and wisdom on the causes of mental perception still without hindrance, he would have been practicing meditation to achieve enlightenment of Buddha 8, which is fairly high. When the mind has been trained to put an end to the suffering of all issues. What has been the practice each day is peace of mind. Do not worry, vexed with the events happening around us. But not because we did not care what's going on. But because we understand the possibility of life separately. Because we all know that it happens. But there is reason Because when we do that. The consequences would be. If nothing is resolved for good. Must be met before the exact cause. Then at the end, The event has been resolved, the effect is indeed the reason. If anything is beyond the authority. We will do We just have to accept a place in Buddhism.