To fully understand and successfully implement the risk management framework,
one must have a complete understanding of how the organizational multi-tieredrisk management process is structured and used. This chapter discusses these concepts
and how the RMF and organizational risk management techniques are interrelated.
The chapter covers the three tiers of a typical multi-tiered organizational
risk management process and describes the components of organizational riskmanagement.
It also introduces the risk executive (function) and explains this component’s
relationship to the RMF and risk management. Risk management is an
extensive topic; this chapter only touches on the high points of the process. Several
universities offer undergraduate degrees, postgraduate certificates, master’s
degrees, and even doctoral degrees in risk management. For-profit, non-profit,
and not-for-profit organizations also have large investments of time, money,
people and other resources in risk management that delve deeply into the theory
and processes that encompass complete risk management. The intention of this
chapter is not to make the reader an expert in risk management, but rather to introduce
the basic components of risk management as defined by NIST and associate
these with the RMF
To fully understand and successfully implement the risk management framework,one must have a complete understanding of how the organizational multi-tieredrisk management process is structured and used. This chapter discusses these conceptsand how the RMF and organizational risk management techniques are interrelated.The chapter covers the three tiers of a typical multi-tiered organizationalrisk management process and describes the components of organizational riskmanagement.It also introduces the risk executive (function) and explains this component’srelationship to the RMF and risk management. Risk management is anextensive topic; this chapter only touches on the high points of the process. Severaluniversities offer undergraduate degrees, postgraduate certificates, master’sdegrees, and even doctoral degrees in risk management. For-profit, non-profit,and not-for-profit organizations also have large investments of time, money,people and other resources in risk management that delve deeply into the theoryand processes that encompass complete risk management. The intention of thischapter is not to make the reader an expert in risk management, but rather to introducethe basic components of risk management as defined by NIST and associatethese with the RMF
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
To fully understand and successfully implement the risk management framework,
one must have a complete understanding of how the organizational multi-tieredrisk management process is structured and used. This chapter discusses these concepts
and how the RMF and organizational risk management techniques are interrelated.
The chapter covers the three tiers of a typical multi-tiered organizational
risk management process and describes the components of organizational riskmanagement.
It also introduces the risk executive (function) and explains this component’s
relationship to the RMF and risk management. Risk management is an
extensive topic; this chapter only touches on the high points of the process. Several
universities offer undergraduate degrees, postgraduate certificates, master’s
degrees, and even doctoral degrees in risk management. For-profit, non-profit,
and not-for-profit organizations also have large investments of time, money,
people and other resources in risk management that delve deeply into the theory
and processes that encompass complete risk management. The intention of this
chapter is not to make the reader an expert in risk management, but rather to introduce
the basic components of risk management as defined by NIST and associate
these with the RMF
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..