Start working first conpannjy Sahasilakew in position purchaseing officer The company to business the Stone in the construction industry. Then Iwas Married and move family to Chobury and Working in Thai A- Tech Slution bussiness about electronic support Samsung .
in purachasing office . I had responsilibity purchase order material import over sae and local as resin spar part pint and Accessories about in plrocess production .
The productuo must to ref. docurement MSDS and Data sheet in identification. I take to negotation with supplier discount of material
And Req. quatation to compare and offer to our manager by approved later. Meanwhile I have follow materila suport productio on time not witjout delay and latst mont to cheking stock inventiry and evaluation deliver on time onvery month.
Present I still workiing at Hicom auto motive in position Senior purchaseing. The company business operations to atomobine as bummer of car support customer as GM Malasia GM Thailand, Issuzu, Toyoto For duty similar with Thai A- Tech solution in inprocess material over sea and local
to support production add faction new model consumable, equiment, big claran room. Finaly I'm behaft auditor and auditee in process interail audit
( TS 16949, ISO 140001, ISO9001)