My lovely Darling,
in a short moment, I will take the train to Prague. The journey takes about 2 hours and 30 minutes. I will stay there until Friday evening. I will study in two different archives and have several meetings. For example tomorrow evening with an American colleague. I will be quite busy there, but I will think of you much.
Have you already come back from your family home? And, most of all, how was your exam today? I was supporting you mentally, hope you did feel it.
Thank you for telling me many details about your English lessons. I think you should have more subjects, not only tourism. Although this subject can be a good beginning. I hope you have the chance to read general texts by yourself. Self-studying is a very wise thing. For example, I learned English mostly by myself, when I was a young boy. I listened to pop music and analyzed the lyrics of it.
You say you tried to call me several days ago from the public telephone. But I didn't get any call. Whenever you have a number I can call to, please tell me. So we can hear each others voice.
I am not sure which spelling of your name is correct in English: Pudsadee or Pusadee. You are using both versions. The difference is the letter "d" in it. Both is very, very lovely. This name suits to you very well!
About my health: It's steady, not problem the last days. You may be quite right when you said it could be Sinusitis. But they have to analyze it more closely at the hospital. I ready some articles about it now. I do not eat much sugar, because I don't really like sweet things. I told myself to eat more vegetables and fruits from now on. Also, with the summer season coming, I will make more sports now. It's mainly playing badminton with my friends - almost every week. And I want to say, I surely have enough sleep - mostly 7 to 8 hours. How many hours do you sleep normally? At which time do you have to get up?
OK! I will go Prague now. Hopefully I will have internet connection at the hotel. They promised me.
My love, take care of you,
I kiss your lips and whole body.
your Adrian