4. Conclusion
The recent guidelines published by the Canadian Network
for Mood and Anxiety Treatments (CANMAT) which were last
updated in 2009, have suggested that despite ample clinical data
regarding the efficacy and recognition of tolerability differences
amongst the newer antidepressants, there continues to be great
individual variability in patient response. This variability often
precludes recommendation of specific first-line treatments that
can be generalized for all patients (Lam et al., 2009). As well,
recent developments in the literature as articulated in the 2009
CANMAT guidelines indicate that only the second-generation
(atypical) antipsychotics have sufficient evidence with respect
to efficacy and tolerability and may be considered as first-line
adjunctive treatments for MDD as well, if necessary, as second- or
third-line monotherapeutic options (Lam et al., 2009).