Please be strictly noted that the below corresponding mail is not a ‘’hall pass’’ for you to freely use external feeders as and when you deem fit.
1.) You are to first fulfil our (CSCL/ GSS) own service allocation before external-feeder slot purchase is to be considered
e.g. If CMX’s VNSGN-SGSIN allocation is full, check if able to use VTS’s VNSGN-MYPKL for t/s instead
2.) Proper email confirmation is required from operations side – with clear indication of details on why slot purchase is required – before nominating on other feeder’s vessels
3.) The priority list only serves as a guide in the event that the above 2 points have been cleared, and approval granted, then you may follow the priority listings of feeder operators in the list.
Again, please ensure that our own service is fulfilled first before such slot purchase option is exercised.
If not, we will reserve the right to reject any bills that we have not approved upon prior to nomination.