The linear range of themethodwas verified by analyzing three analytical
curves that were constructed using the peak areas obtained from
aqueous solutions in different concentrations of strontium ranelate and
aspartame, according to the optimized conditions shown on Table 1. The
analytical curves constructed between 1 and 40 μgmL−1 indicated good
linear response (r2 = 0.9999). The absence of outliers for each concentration
level was demonstrated by the Grubbs test and a normal distribution
of residuals was confirmed by Shapiro–Wilk test (confidence
limit of 95%), with values of Waspartame = 0.990 e Wstrontium ranelate =
0.856, both above the critical value tabulated (0.762). The statistical
significance of the curve was verified by analysis of variance (ANOVA)
and the F-test for lack of fit (confidence limit of 95%). The calculated F
values by ANOVA (Faspartame = 33107.51 and Fstrontium ranelate =
31998.16) were too much larger than the tabulated value (17.44),
while in the lack of fit test, the obtained F value for both analytes
(0.37) was lower than the tabulated value (4.826) [34]. As a conclusion,