The Village Meeting
The villagers could not believe it. A shop in Woodend!
Everybody talked about it. There was once a shop in
Woodend, but it had closed twenty years ago.
Some people wanted the shop, but others did not. The
villagers met in the evening in the village hall. Everybody
was there. Everybody was interested in the new shop.
‘The Corner Shop is a good idea,’ someone said. ‘We
need a village shop. We won’t need to go to Lidney.’
Then Mrs Harrison spoke. She liked the stranger, Dave
‘I agree,’ she said. ‘A village shop is a good idea. It’s too
quiet here. Woodend needs a shop.’
‘Nonsense,’ said Miss Brown. She was the village schoolteacher.
‘Lidney is not far away. There are lots of shops
Soon everybody was shouting. Then Mr Hart spoke. He
was a very big man, with a loud voice.
‘Listen, everybody!’ he shouted. ‘We’ve never had
trouble in this village before. We’ve always been quiet and
happy. Now this shop is causing trouble.’
‘Let Mr Slatin speak,’ someone said. ‘It’s his shop. Let
him speak.’
‘Ladies and gentlemen,’ said Dave Slatin. ‘I don’t want
to cause any trouble. I’m still a stranger in your village. But I
want to be one of you. I want to be your friend. I like the
people of Woodend!’
He smiled and a few people clapped. They liked him.
‘The Corner Shop will sell lots of things,’ he went on. ‘It