please be inform...When irina sold each excursions. can you tell her pls follow by Policy standard.
normally we give time for client each excursions 2 hrs. maximum 3 hrs. Example last night she sold BSKY and her inform client can was there till 22.00, BSKY they last order at 21.00 pm. and closed 22.00 pm. that it so late. Evan last time she sold FBKK if client more than 120 cm. must sold price to adult but she didn't do that(child 146 cm. she sold child price> make it problem for went to some place and client not pay extra more cuz she didn't told before> in this case i was infrom Ozi and Serhat to know> Cuz we must pay replace for client 600 baht> that mean is it we cost. So, pls told she to follow under policy standrad pls, Thank you