◇ Blaiard : ASPD +10%
◇ Kaiser : ATK +5%, MATK +5%
◇ Vatendeth : Physical Earth Element Damage +10%
◇ Void : MP +12%, HP Rec -20%
◇ Grecia : MATK +8%, HP -8%
◇ Sturm : Physical Water Element Damage +10%
◇ Wizaleon : MP Consumption -5%, ATK +5%, MDEF -5%
◇ Colon Tree : Skill Delay -0.2 second (skill delay cannot be reduced to less than 1 second)
◇ Burnos : MATK +(1/4 AGI)
◇ Blauzen : MDEF +6%, Cast Time -4%
◇ Hydra : Crit Damage +3%, Crit Rate +3%
◇ Bongea : DEF +20, DEF +1%, Damage Reflect +2%
◇ Eisen : Physical Fire Element Damage +10%
◇ Zolban : Sword Range +1, ATK +15, MATK +15
◇ Halios : Physical Light Element Damage +10%
◇ False Grecia : MATK +10%, MP Consumption +30%
◇ Agoracanth : ASPD +3%, Physical Res -1%
◇ Schlingel : ATK +6, ATK +8%, Critical rate -10
◇ Beelzed : Magic Res +3%, Cast Time +1%
◇ Sand Dragon Zandt : Stun Chance, Stun Time -0.5 second, VIT +3
◇ Vinz Zant : VIT +2, MaxHP +10%
◇ Bossheit : ATK +30, MATK +30, MaxHP +500, MaxMP +250
◇ Matar : Evasion up chance by defense. (Consumes autoskill)
◇ Matadora : ATK +6%, MATK +6%, MaxHP -5%
◇ Finstern : Physical Light and Dark Element Damage +5%
◇ Kaise Piltz : Magic Res -10%, Physical Res -10%, MaxHP +30%
◇ Tarante : ATK +3%, HIT +50
◇ Ghoulie : HP Rec +30%
◇ Anubites : Magic counterattack chance when defending. (Consumes autoskill)
◇ Gusanoth : MATK +7%, HP Rec when defeating an enemy. (Consumes autoskill)
◇ Himmel : crit rate+10 evasion+5%
◇ Plazuda : ATK +5%, ATK +3% when equipped to a weapon
◇ Altadora : Item Rec +30%
◇ Shojo : Wind, Fire, Earth, and Water Element Damage +5%, MATK +5% when equipped to an armor
◇ Gankaku : Magic Res +3%, Magic EVA -6%
◇ Ganei : ATK +10%, MaxHP -30%, MaxHP +30% when equipped to a special equipment(Note when xtal is equipped to special eq, it does NOT add maxhp+30% even the xtal itself claims this, it just equals from -30 to 0)
◇ Minenaga : Crit Damage +5%, Crit Damage +5% when equipped to an armor
◇ Isurugi : MATK +15%, MP cost +50%, Adds MP cost -25% and MATK -3% on weapons
◇ Metalbrow : ATK -10%, MATK -10, Skill Delay Reduction -0.6%
◇ Garel : Increased HIT when defending. (Consumes autoskill)
◇ Zimov : Increased Crit Rate when defending. (Consumes autoskill)
◇ Rossam : MP Consumption -20%, Item Delay -0.1 second
◇ Jabek : MaxMP -10%, MP Rec +100%
◇ Blitz : HP Rec Chance +5% when defeated (Consumes autoskill)
◇ Simcracker : Autoskill +2%, MaxHP +1000 when equipped to an armor
◇ Azimov : When receiving damage over MaxHP, capable of surviving with 1 hp. (Consumes autoskill).
◇ Mezzaluna : MATK +15%, MaxMP -40%, MaxMP +40% when equipped to a special equipment Note it equals out so no minus effect in special equipment
◇ Sianas : Dark Res +5%, DEF +1%
◇ Beelzenoid : STR +2 Crit dmg +7% if equipped on speical equip, additional 7% Crit dmg if STR>200
◇ Ziddu : atk+5% autoskill+3% in weapons
◇ Beelzedam : Vit+1 Adds ASPD+10% on Weapons. Triple effect if VIT>199
◇ Captain Beelzem : Melee+5% to Fire, Adds 10% more on Additional. Autoskill+1%
◇ Magonza : Melee+200, Magic R-10%. adds atk+9% and magic R+10% on Armor
◇ Beelzenom : When defending, there is a 5% chance that your defense will significantly increase for 2 seconds. Consumes auto skill
◇ Beelzetor : MATK +10%, MP consumption +35%, when equipped to weapon MATK +4% and Hit +25% is added.
◇ Guevol : When defending, chance of reducing damage received, auto skill -3%. (Consumes auto skill)
◇ Gerust : MATK+15%, Skill delay+1 second, Adds MATK+5% on weapons.
◇ Gadave : Range + 1, Atk-3%, Critical damage-3%, Pet cover rate +10%
◇ Kaiser II : ATK/MATK+5%, Adds critical damage +3% and neutral magic+6% on Weapons
◇ Sakimori No Ryu : Autoskill +1%, melee+5% to earth element, and additional 10% is added when equipped to additional equipment.
◇ Moldus : DEX+1 Matk+7% ,Effect doubles if dex >199
◇ Vida : atk+4% hate rise+15%, adds atk+8% hate rise-15% on addgear.
◇ Niapa : Physical damage to dark element +5%, autoskill +1%. When equipped to additional, an additional 10% physical damage to dark element is added.
◇ Nuit : Cast time -20%. When equipped to cane/rod, ASPD +10% and Range +1
◇ Seele Zauga II : MaxMP +30%, Physical & Magic Resistance -10%
◇ Warrior of Light : ATK +10%, Magic Resistance -10%. When equipped to special equipment, chance of double attack. (Consumes auto skill)
◇ Morbeelzem : Physical and Magic res+5%, Rate relief+5%, Items recovery-15%.
◇ Xeltysis : Critical Rate +75, Critical Damage -9%, physical power increases by level.
◇ Imseti : ATK+5 MATK-20%, Critical Damage +10% Adds MATK+30% if CRT>199
◇ Thotras : Melee + 5% to neutral, add 10% more on additional gear, Autoskill +1%
◇ Nuitram Wind Water Fire and Earth Magic+10% Cast Time -5% and if on weapons -10% ASPD
◇ Pursuer : Melee+5% to wind, add 10% more on additional, autoskill+1%
◇ Ushlith : Matk+12%, Spellburst+1% skill delay-0,2s then on additiona adds more -0,3s skill delay.
◇ Raton : Critical Damage +14%, Mp Cost +10%, Adds Atk+6% on Additional Gear
◇ Irai : MaxHP+2%, Melee Res1%, Melee Counter Chance by Defense
◇ Sianas II : DEF +1%, Physical Damage to Light Element +5%, Resistance to Light Element +5%
◇ Dajarte : Magic R -11%, Magic evasion -11%
, ATK+11%, Put dark magic attack on the equipment. (Consumes autoskill)
◇ Roarmeria : Heal Rec +5%
◇ Aello : Crit Rate +5%
◇ Ocypete : EVA +5%
◇ Keraino Dark Element Damage +5%
◇ Argyros : Physical Dark Element Damage +10%
◇ Valmut : MDEF +50
◇ Black Dark Warrior : STR +3, MaxHP +8%, HIT -8%
◇ Civil : Cast Time -6%
◇ Ebon Knight : Physical Dark Element Damage +8%, AVD +5
◇ Lord of Nezim : INT +3, MATK +2%, Cast Time +7%
◇ Giant Rocker : DEF +2%, MDEF +2%
◇ Gilgobble : Lv1 Double Attack Chance +13~14%
◇ Memecoleous : Lv1 Venom Attack Chance
◇ Peyote : HIT +20, ATK +5, MATK +5
◇ Sandwurm : AutoSkill Chance +1%
◇ Sierra Toropay : Adds damage calculated by ATK+MATK/3. (Consumes autoskill)
◇ Scorpia : Melee +10% to neutral
◇ Unicorn : MATK +6%, Heal Rec +3%
◇ Grail : Heal Rec +3%, MATK +3%, Rec Heal +7% when equipped
◇ Interfike : Halves attack intervals. Uses HP by attack. Reduces status. (Consumes autoskill)
◇ Lost Knight : critical rate+25%, critical damage-3%
◇ Rusalka : Rusalka MP Rec +30%
◇ Tsuchinoko : MaxMP -20%, Increased various STAT at Lv140
◇ Mikumahi : MP Consumption -10%, MATK +8%, Cast Time -12%
◇ Puretotasu Lv275 Puretotasu Increased Wind Element Damage. (Consumes autoskill)
◇ Blue Ogre : MATK +1%, INT +1, AGI +1, DEX +1, MaxHP-10%+2
◇ Red Ogre : ATK+1%, STR+1, VIT+1, CRT+1, MaxMP -10%
◇ Mr.Jack : All status +1
◇ Bernard : Atk/Matk +30 vit+2 int
◇ Octocur : Range+1, when on weapon item delay-0,5s
◇ Mani : Max MP+15%, Max HP+10%, if equipped in additional equipment, another Max MP+5% and Max HP+5%
◇ Enfar : adds dark element to magic attacks, consumes autoskill
◇ Eye Magi King : Matk+5%, Light magic power+8%, Mp cost+10%.
◇ Tarna : MATK +10%, Magic +100. When equipped to add. equip, a further MATK +5% and magic +400 is added
◇ Piton : MaxHP15% MaxMP+10%
◇ Rita : mp cost+15% spell burst +5% adds spell burst +10% on weapons
◇ Dorry : Atk 6% rate cut -10% Additional 6% atk and melee +300 if on armour
◇ Rudolf : MaxHp15% ,Hate+10%,MaxMp-20%,when equipped to additional equipment,autoskill 5%, range +1
◇ Fiona : magic pierce 3%, MaxMp10% and if add on weapon matk 14% skill delay -0.3 sec
◇ Skill DT : Skill Delay -0.2sec, Item Delay +0.4sec
◇ Dark Santa : Small MaxHP&MP up by Lv, Item recovery +5%
◇ Dark Santa II : Heal Recovery +4%, During Xmas Event a further Heal Recovery +2% When equipped with Dark Santa Xtal (from regular dark santas), MaxHP and MP +20%
◇ Arick
: ATK & MATK +3%, MP Consumption -8%. When equipped to additional equipment, Hate -35%.
◇ Rowell : MaxHP and MP +4%, Autoskill +1%. When equipped to additional equipment, Hate +35%.
◇ Pole
: INT +5, Autoskill +3%. When equipped to additional equipment, Autoskill +2% and Spell Burst Rate +10%.
◇ Douin : MaxHP +20%, ATK & MATK -5%, Range Reduction +10%. When equipped to special equipment, MaxHP +20% and Range Reduction +5%
◇ Pulis : Item Delay -0.2 seconds, Physical Power +200. When equipped to weapon, ATK +5%, Physical Power +300, and Delay -0.5 seconds.
◇ Cheros: Earth magic chance by attack (consume Autoskill)
◇ Medona: MATK +6%, Skill Delay -0.1sec, Cast Time -15%, MaxHP&MP -8%. An additional MATK +10% when equipped on armor.
◇ Igro: Hate -25%, Magic&Melee Resistance +2%
◇ Ginami: Physical Power against light element +10%, mp consumption -10%
◇ Catafnia: ASPD +20%, VIT +1, Fire/Dark Resistance +5%
◇ Grecia II: MATK +16%, MP Consumption +15%, HP -3%
◇ Strix : agi+6 def-10% eva+1%
◇ Kinote : Item Delay -0.2 second (item delay cannot be reduced to less than 1 second)
◇ Aurumteus : Physical Wind Element Damage +10%
◇ Kaphar : Hate Growth +30%
◇ Spector : Physical Wind, Fire, Earth, and Water Element Damage +5%
◇ Seele Zauga : Poison Chance +15%, MaxMP +15%
◇ Sauro : Exp Gain +5%
◇ Kimale : ATK +7%, MATK +7%, MaxHP -12%
◇ Wargvel : light, neutral, dark element+5% matk+5% in armor
◇ Botaniga : Heal reward +100, heal reward is increased by VIT
◇ Dooms : Rate relief +5%, an additional 5% is added when equipped to additional equipment
◇ Blatt : HP recovery by attack when MP is at its max (Consumes Autoskill)
◇ Suigetsu : ATK +10%, HIT -30%, Crit Chance -30%
◇ Curonne : Exp Gain -10%, Increased Rare Drop Rate
◇ Nero : Autoskill +1%, Melee to light element +5%, an additional 10% melee to light is added when equipped to additional.
◇ Coregrum : Hate Growth -15%
◇ Minotaur : ATK +(1/4 VIT)
◇ Boss Colon : ATK +12, ATK +6%, DEF -4%
◇ Nepenth : HP Rec +15%, MP Rec +15%
◇ Frosches : Heal +7%, HP Recovery -5%
◇ Cerberus : -10 Crit Rate, +12% Crit Dmg
◇ Dullahan : Melee
◇ Blaiard: ASPD + 10%◇นิคม: ATK + 5%, MATK + 5%◇ Vatendeth: โลกทางกายภาพองค์ประกอบเสียหาย + 10%◇โมฆะ: MP แคนาดา + 12%, Rec HP -20%◇ Grecia: MATK + 8%, HP-8%◇ Sturm: ความเสียหายขององค์ประกอบทางกายภาพน้ำ + 10%◇ Wizaleon: ใช้ MP -5%, ATK + 5%, MDEF -5%◇ต้นไม้ทวิภาค: ทักษะความล่าช้าสอง-0.2 (ทักษะความล่าช้าไม่ลดให้น้อยกว่า 1 วินาที)◇ Burnos: MATK + (AGI 1/4)◇ Blauzen: MDEF + 6% เวลาหล่อ -4%◇ไฮดรา: Crit ความเสียหาย + 3% อัตรา Crit + 3%◇ Bongea: คำ +20, DEF + 1% ความเสียหายสะท้อน + 2%◇ Eisen: ไฟทางกายภาพองค์ประกอบเสียหาย + 10%◇ Zolban: ดาบช่วง + 1, ATK + 15, MATK + 15◇ Halios: องค์ประกอบทางกายภาพที่ไฟความเสียหาย + 10%◇ Grecia เท็จ: MATK + 10%, MP การใช้ +30%◇ Agoracanth: ASPD + 3% ทรัพยากรกายภาพ -1%◇ Schlingel: ATK + 6, ATK + 8% อัตราสำคัญ -10◇ Beelzed: เมจิก Res + 3% เวลาหล่อ + 1%◇ Zandt มังกรทราย: งันโอกาส เวลางัน-0.5 วินาที วิตามิน + 3◇ Vinz Zant: วิตามิน + 2, MaxHP + 10%◇ Bossheit: ATK +30, MATK +30, MaxHP +500, MaxMP +250◇ Matar: หลบหลีกค่าโอกาสป้องกัน (ใช้ autoskill)◇ Matadora: ATK + 6%, MATK + 6%, MaxHP -5%◇ Finstern: ความเสียหายทางกายภาพ และองค์ประกอบ + 5%◇ Kaise Piltz: เมจิก Res -10% ทรัพยากรกายภาพ -10%, MaxHP +30%◇ Tarante: ATK + 3%, + 50 ตี◇ Ghoulie: HP Rec +30%◇ Anubites: Magic โอกาสตีโต้เมื่อป้องกัน (ใช้ autoskill)◇ Gusanoth: MATK + 7%, HP Rec เมื่อเอาชนะศัตรู (ใช้ autoskill)◇ Himmel: crit อัตรา 10 หลบหลีก + 5%◇ Plazuda: ATK + 5%, ATK + 3% เมื่อติดตั้งให้อาวุธ◇ Altadora: สินค้า Rec +30%◇ Shojo: ลม ไฟ ดิน และความเสียหายขององค์ประกอบน้ำ + 5%, MATK + 5% เมื่อติดตั้งเพื่อเป็นเกราะ◇ Gankaku: เมจิก Res + 3% มายากล EVA-6%◇ Ganei: ATK + 10%, MaxHP -30%, MaxHP +30% เมื่อติดตั้งอุปกรณ์พิเศษ (หมายเหตุเมื่อ xtal พร้อมกับคณะกรรมการพิเศษ เพิ่ม maxhp + 30% แม้ xtal เองอ้างนี้ มันเพียงเท่าจาก -30 กับ 0)◇ Minenaga: Crit ความเสียหาย + 5% ความเสียหายของ Crit + 5% เมื่อติดตั้งเพื่อเป็นเกราะ◇ Isurugi: MATK + 15%, MP ต้นทุน + 50% เพิ่ม MP ทุน-25% และ MATK -3% ในอาวุธ ◇ Metalbrow: ATK -10%, MATK -10 ทักษะการเลื่อนลด-0.6%◇ Garel: เพิ่มตีเมื่อป้องกัน (ใช้ autoskill)◇ Zimov: เพิ่มอัตรา Crit เมื่อป้องกัน (ใช้ autoskill)◇ Rossam: ปริมาณการใช้ MP -20% สินค้าล่าช้าสุด-0.1 วินาที◇ Jabek: MaxMP -10%, Rec MP + 100%◇สงคราม: โอกาส Rec HP + 5% เมื่อพ่ายแพ้ (ใช้ autoskill)◇ Simcracker: Autoskill + 2%, MaxHP +1000 เมื่อเพื่อเป็นเกราะ◇ Azimov: เมื่อได้รับความเสียหายมากกว่า MaxHP สามารถรอด 1 hp. (Consumes autoskill) ◇ Mezzaluna: MATK + 15%, MaxMP -40%, MaxMP + 40% เมื่อติดตั้งอุปกรณ์พิเศษหมายเหตุก็เท่ากับออกจึงไม่มีผลลบด้วยอุปกรณ์พิเศษ◇ Sianas: มืด Res + 5%, DEF + 1%◇ Beelzenoid: STR + 2 dmg Crit + 7% ถ้าบน speical จัดให้ เพิ่มเติม 7% Crit dmg ถ้า STR > 200◇ Ziddu : atk+5% autoskill+3% in weapons◇ Beelzedam : Vit+1 Adds ASPD+10% on Weapons. Triple effect if VIT>199◇ Captain Beelzem : Melee+5% to Fire, Adds 10% more on Additional. Autoskill+1%◇ Magonza : Melee+200, Magic R-10%. adds atk+9% and magic R+10% on Armor ◇ Beelzenom : When defending, there is a 5% chance that your defense will significantly increase for 2 seconds. Consumes auto skill ◇ Beelzetor : MATK +10%, MP consumption +35%, when equipped to weapon MATK +4% and Hit +25% is added. ◇ Guevol : When defending, chance of reducing damage received, auto skill -3%. (Consumes auto skill) ◇ Gerust : MATK+15%, Skill delay+1 second, Adds MATK+5% on weapons.◇ Gadave : Range + 1, Atk-3%, Critical damage-3%, Pet cover rate +10%◇ Kaiser II : ATK/MATK+5%, Adds critical damage +3% and neutral magic+6% on Weapons◇ Sakimori No Ryu : Autoskill +1%, melee+5% to earth element, and additional 10% is added when equipped to additional equipment. ◇ Moldus : DEX+1 Matk+7% ,Effect doubles if dex >199◇ Vida : atk+4% hate rise+15%, adds atk+8% hate rise-15% on addgear.◇ Niapa : Physical damage to dark element +5%, autoskill +1%. When equipped to additional, an additional 10% physical damage to dark element is added. ◇ Nuit : Cast time -20%. When equipped to cane/rod, ASPD +10% and Range +1 ◇ Seele Zauga II : MaxMP +30%, Physical & Magic Resistance -10% ◇ Warrior of Light : ATK +10%, Magic Resistance -10%. When equipped to special equipment, chance of double attack. (Consumes auto skill) ◇ Morbeelzem : Physical and Magic res+5%, Rate relief+5%, Items recovery-15%.◇ Xeltysis : Critical Rate +75, Critical Damage -9%, physical power increases by level. ◇ Imseti : ATK+5 MATK-20%, Critical Damage +10% Adds MATK+30% if CRT>199◇ Thotras : Melee + 5% to neutral, add 10% more on additional gear, Autoskill +1%◇ Nuitram Wind Water Fire and Earth Magic+10% Cast Time -5% and if on weapons -10% ASPD◇ Pursuer : Melee+5% to wind, add 10% more on additional, autoskill+1%◇ Ushlith : Matk+12%, Spellburst+1% skill delay-0,2s then on additiona adds more -0,3s skill delay.◇ Raton : Critical Damage +14%, Mp Cost +10%, Adds Atk+6% on Additional Gear◇ Irai : MaxHP+2%, Melee Res1%, Melee Counter Chance by Defense◇ Sianas II : DEF +1%, Physical Damage to Light Element +5%, Resistance to Light Element +5%◇ Dajarte : Magic R -11%, Magic evasion -11%, ATK+11%, Put dark magic attack on the equipment. (Consumes autoskill)◇ Roarmeria : Heal Rec +5%◇ Aello : Crit Rate +5% ◇ Ocypete : EVA +5%◇ Keraino Dark Element Damage +5%◇ Argyros : Physical Dark Element Damage +10%◇ Valmut : MDEF +50◇ Black Dark Warrior : STR +3, MaxHP +8%, HIT -8%◇ Civil : Cast Time -6%◇ Ebon Knight : Physical Dark Element Damage +8%, AVD +5◇ Lord of Nezim : INT +3, MATK +2%, Cast Time +7%◇ Giant Rocker : DEF +2%, MDEF +2%◇ Gilgobble : Lv1 Double Attack Chance +13~14%◇ Memecoleous : Lv1 Venom Attack Chance◇ Peyote : HIT +20, ATK +5, MATK +5◇ Sandwurm : AutoSkill Chance +1%◇ Sierra Toropay : Adds damage calculated by ATK+MATK/3. (Consumes autoskill)◇ Scorpia : Melee +10% to neutral◇ Unicorn : MATK +6%, Heal Rec +3%◇ Grail : Heal Rec +3%, MATK +3%, Rec Heal +7% when equipped◇ Interfike : Halves attack intervals. Uses HP by attack. Reduces status. (Consumes autoskill)◇ Lost Knight : critical rate+25%, critical damage-3%◇ Rusalka : Rusalka MP Rec +30%◇ Tsuchinoko : MaxMP -20%, Increased various STAT at Lv140◇ Mikumahi : MP Consumption -10%, MATK +8%, Cast Time -12%◇ Puretotasu Lv275 Puretotasu Increased Wind Element Damage. (Consumes autoskill)◇ Blue Ogre : MATK +1%, INT +1, AGI +1, DEX +1, MaxHP-10%+2◇ Red Ogre : ATK+1%, STR+1, VIT+1, CRT+1, MaxMP -10% ◇ Mr.Jack : All status +1◇ Bernard : Atk/Matk +30 vit+2 int◇ Octocur : Range+1, when on weapon item delay-0,5s◇ Mani : Max MP+15%, Max HP+10%, if equipped in additional equipment, another Max MP+5% and Max HP+5%◇ Enfar : adds dark element to magic attacks, consumes autoskill◇ Eye Magi King : Matk+5%, Light magic power+8%, Mp cost+10%.◇ Tarna : MATK +10%, Magic +100. When equipped to add. equip, a further MATK +5% and magic +400 is added◇ Piton : MaxHP15% MaxMP+10% ◇ Rita : mp cost+15% spell burst +5% adds spell burst +10% on weapons◇ Dorry : Atk 6% rate cut -10% Additional 6% atk and melee +300 if on armour◇ Rudolf : MaxHp15% ,Hate+10%,MaxMp-20%,when equipped to additional equipment,autoskill 5%, range +1◇ Fiona : magic pierce 3%, MaxMp10% and if add on weapon matk 14% skill delay -0.3 sec◇ Skill DT : Skill Delay -0.2sec, Item Delay +0.4sec◇ Dark Santa : Small MaxHP&MP up by Lv, Item recovery +5%◇ Dark Santa II : Heal Recovery +4%, During Xmas Event a further Heal Recovery +2% When equipped with Dark Santa Xtal (from regular dark santas), MaxHP and MP +20%◇ Arick : ATK & MATK +3%, MP Consumption -8%. When equipped to additional equipment, Hate -35%.◇ Rowell : MaxHP and MP +4%, Autoskill +1%. When equipped to additional equipment, Hate +35%.◇ Pole : INT +5, Autoskill +3%. When equipped to additional equipment, Autoskill +2% and Spell Burst Rate +10%.◇ Douin : MaxHP +20%, ATK & MATK -5%, Range Reduction +10%. When equipped to special equipment, MaxHP +20% and Range Reduction +5%◇ Pulis : Item Delay -0.2 seconds, Physical Power +200. When equipped to weapon, ATK +5%, Physical Power +300, and Delay -0.5 seconds.◇ Cheros: Earth magic chance by attack (consume Autoskill)◇ Medona: MATK +6%, Skill Delay -0.1sec, Cast Time -15%, MaxHP&MP -8%. An additional MATK +10% when equipped on armor.◇ Igro: Hate -25%, Magic&Melee Resistance +2%◇ Ginami: Physical Power against light element +10%, mp consumption -10%◇ Catafnia: ASPD +20%, VIT +1, Fire/Dark Resistance +5%
◇ Grecia II: MATK +16%, MP Consumption +15%, HP -3%
◇ Strix : agi+6 def-10% eva+1%
◇ Kinote : Item Delay -0.2 second (item delay cannot be reduced to less than 1 second)
◇ Aurumteus : Physical Wind Element Damage +10%
◇ Kaphar : Hate Growth +30%
◇ Spector : Physical Wind, Fire, Earth, and Water Element Damage +5%
◇ Seele Zauga : Poison Chance +15%, MaxMP +15%
◇ Sauro : Exp Gain +5%
◇ Kimale : ATK +7%, MATK +7%, MaxHP -12%
◇ Wargvel : light, neutral, dark element+5% matk+5% in armor
◇ Botaniga : Heal reward +100, heal reward is increased by VIT
◇ Dooms : Rate relief +5%, an additional 5% is added when equipped to additional equipment
◇ Blatt : HP recovery by attack when MP is at its max (Consumes Autoskill)
◇ Suigetsu : ATK +10%, HIT -30%, Crit Chance -30%
◇ Curonne : Exp Gain -10%, Increased Rare Drop Rate
◇ Nero : Autoskill +1%, Melee to light element +5%, an additional 10% melee to light is added when equipped to additional.
◇ Coregrum : Hate Growth -15%
◇ Minotaur : ATK +(1/4 VIT)
◇ Boss Colon : ATK +12, ATK +6%, DEF -4%
◇ Nepenth : HP Rec +15%, MP Rec +15%
◇ Frosches : Heal +7%, HP Recovery -5%
◇ Cerberus : -10 Crit Rate, +12% Crit Dmg
◇ Dullahan : Melee
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