That one of standards, cultural competency is the core of Recreation Professional Standards,
only some of experts mention it. Cultural competency is clarifying
the difference of social status for Professional service especially when there are more than
million migrants from various neighbouring counties living in Thailand.
The structure of professional standards in recreation in Thailand is close to the standards of
educational. The findings suggested succeeding in standard development of recreation
professional, we should strongly implement and establish an independent association for
controlling recreation professionals and enforcing standards from related organizations or the
state. These standards will help Thailand prepare to be part of the ASEAN community in
On the other hand the researcher found that the opinion of the experts is a requirement for
construct of an autonomous association. Before implementing these standards to make
recreational professional show their value and benefits to public. In summery we see the need
for recreational professionals must work and cooperate with each other and work towards
having a set of standards that all professionals in the recreational industry may follow.