What do you think is Jackson's FUNNIEST moment during Markson Show? (Please choose from the following choices & refer to the pictures on our Twitter+Line) *
팬들이 생각했을 때 잭슨이 Markson쇼 때 가장 웃겼던 순간은? (다음 중에서 골라주세요. 스틸컷은 공식트위터나 라인에서 확인*)
Imitating a teddy bear (테디베어 흉내)
When Jackson made fun of Mark's hair for looking like a bird's nest (잭슨이 마크 머리 새둥지라고 놀렸을 때 )
When he did his British accent (영국 발음 따라했을 때)
When he had to wear the sunglasses as punishment (벌칙 안경 썼을 때)