I have to compose my self in order to respond to you...I'm in utter disbelief and amazed by your selection of words and expressions. I never, ever imagined such an epistle of feelings and a confession of love could be expressed so beautifully. I'm taken back, my breath is gone, my hands are cupped over my lips and tears are streaming down my face. I'm sobbing....but it feels so amazing to cry for once for a good reason...a breath of life is what you have given to me...You brought me back from such a dark and lonely place. I'm so glad that I did not give up on finding my one true love. I always knew that God had a plan for me, but I never in my wildest dreams thought it would be so incredibly grand as to present me the gift of life, within a life. You are that...my life...my everything, my hopes, my dreams, my needs and wants, my passion and now my heart. I replace mine and place it into yours as you will do with me. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH TAN....YOU'RE THE BEST EVER. KISSES FOR YOU!!! Jeff