Breakdown Why, that's the one I've seen. You think maybe they got eight hundred already?" "But this is just one little part of California,' said Pa. It's the second biggest state we've got. Tom and Al walked up to the two older men. "We've been thinking, Pa, Tom said. "Our truck's overloaded but the Wilsons' Ain't. Some of our folks could ride with them and we could take some of their stuff. Then both cars could get up the hills. We'd keep together on the road maybe. I've only got thirty dollars left," said Wilson. "I don't want to be a trouble"You won't be a trouble," said Ma. "And you helped us with Grampa The Wilsons smiled shyly and looked at the ground. "We'll see you get there," Ma said to Sairy. "Now, come on, we've got to get some sleep tonight.' fire died down. There were few cars on the highway now, but the transport trucks roared by. Soon the families were quiet and sleeping. Only Sairy Wilson lay awake, her eyes wide open with pain.