brings out an affective component to the CPH, which he calls “the optimal distance model”. Some
researchers have based their explanations on the optimal stage, on the lateralization of the brain functions, and some
others supported their hypothesis by cognitive and affective arguments. It is then, the CPH was extended to second
language learning. Most of us have observed that children can learn second languages more easily than adults. And most
of us assumed that adults are rather inefficient and unsuccessful when compared to children
As a result of the research on this area cognitive and affective arguments found to be more convincing than
physiological, brain-related arguments. However, both of these arguments agreed that the ease or difficulty of learning a
language, either first or second, is age-related. Brown (1980) argues that, if second language acquisition (SLA) is
occurring within the second language culture it might be possible to explain CPH by including socio-cultural factors. He
claims that such factors, no matter the person’s age, go through acculturation. If second language learning is happening
in the second language culture, it is very much related with culture learning. Brown (1980) further claims that “The
interaction of language and culture produces a syndrome which gives rise to a certain stage during which language
learning achieves an optimal level. At that critical stage, adults and children, have an optimal chance to become fluent in
the second language.” (p. 158) According to Brown (1980)