This longitudinal study analyzes whether selected components of
executive function (EF) measured during the preschool period predict
several indices of math achievement in primary school. Six EF
measures were assessed in a sample of 5-year-old children
(N = 175). The math achievement of the same children was then
tested in Grades 1 and 3 using both a composite math score and
three single indices of written calculation, arithmetical facts, and
problem solving. Using previous results obtained from the same
sample of children, a confirmatory factor analysis examining the
latent EF structure in kindergarten indicated that a two-factor
model provided the best fit for the data. In this model, inhibition
and working memory (WM)–flexibility were separate dimensions.
A full structural equation model was then used to test the hypothesis
that math achievement (the composite math score and single
math scores) in Grades 1 and 3 could be explained by the two EF
components comprising the kindergarten model. The results indicate
that the WM–flexibility component measured during the preschool
period substantially predicts mathematical achievement,
especially in Grade 3. The math composite scores were predicted
by the WM–flexibility factor at both grade levels. In Grade 3, both
problem solving and arithmetical facts were predicted by the WM–
flexibility component. The results empirically support interventions
that target EF as an important component of early childhood
mathematics education.