The effects of processing on the sensory properties of six Thai mango cultivars were studied. Descriptive panelists evaluated the flavor and texture of fresh mangoes and thermally treated purée samples prepared from each cultivar. Purées were made by pulverizing mango flesh, passing it through a china cap, and heating it to 85 °C for 15 s. In general thermal processing increased caramelized, cooked, and vegetable flavors and eliminated throat irritation and tongue burn. Thermal processing had different effects on the flavor of each cultivar, with the largest impact on the flavor of Nam Dok Mai and Chok Anun. Mango identity and peach flavor notes decreased significantly in Nam Dok Mai, whereas Chok Anun showed significant increases in mango identity, pineapple, and sweet flavor notes after processing. Although a slight amount of flavor variation among cultivars was lost because of thermal processing, most of the variation in texture was eliminated. Results suggested that manufacturers should select cultivars for mango purées based on their properties after thermal processing because heat treatment causes significant changes in the flavor and texture.