Hello my beloved husband.
Today is my holiday that makes me very happy to have an opportunity to talk for the first time with you. I would be embarrassed to become shallow, but you very cute for me, you speak slowly and carefully clear so I can interpret the meaning of what you say, and be able to interact with you, and we have talked very happy today.
I would like to say very impressed with you, you are a very talented person and cute for me to practice speaking Thai, I'm impressed you most. This is the true feelings from my heart from this day onwards, and I know that you will be able to make me happy in every day if we have to live together. I confess to you that I like you from the first day we have been consecutively and I don't know why? I waiting for email from you because I will be read.
I have decided to remove my name from the Web. Find pairs that allow us to know. When several days before because I am only one love you and do not want to talk with another man. I want to talk to you alone. But I like a man who loves his family, and I love you, you love your family and love me.
Thank you for the opportunity and everything that you have given to me, and that's what makes it great and I feel that my Saab promises to love and honest with you the only person until death comes to part us from each other.
I will wait for you at the circle until the day that you can come with me. I hereby promise to take care of you and coddle you. All the time that we have found. I want you to be happy too, because you are a good person for me.