This week brings a Capricorn Full Moon, which confirms the slower pace that already started last week. This Full Moon also indicates difficult interpersonal topics in connection with events in the past. At the start of the week, the Moon is still in Sagittarius. This nourishes hope and confidence, which also seems to be necessary now (since Sunday evening). Venus and Jupiter are entering the first of three connections and stand together with Uranus for "this good new thing" and the zest for life that you may need to regain in the near future. You experience the highs and lows in quite a pronounced way. So rebalancing yourself will be a challenge time and again.
Partnership / Love:
If things get difficult, you can hold onto love and see it as a source of joy - despite all of the problems! This is the big present that Venus and Jupiter would like to give you. It is actually enough to love yourself and love life (sign of Leo) in order for you to be happy. Unfortunately, you often do not feel complete without a partner and can apparently just gain love through a partner.