At this time by the Five-tails Immortal Fox tight fetter, Five-tails Immortal Fox had turned round to look by its tight fetter black bird at this time, on that fox face as if has one type to prevail with the self-satisfied smiling face.
„black bird cannot die.” Qing Shui now is very puzzled, but he knows that black bird cannot die, black bird died, that ice flame Kuang Shi will also collapse at the first blow, at the appointed time took the immortal fox blood to malinger.
„Here do not move, remember do not move.” Qing Shui urged toward the Hai Dongqing ear near gently.
The numb itchy feeling makes the Hai Dongqing face one red, but quick was startled by the Qing Shui words: „What do you want to make?”
„Clever, is obedient, remembers the words that I spoke.” Qing Shui urged again.
Walked slowly, Qing Shui revolves immediately the strength the peak, incurs Diamond great elephant, puts out Purple Gold Divine Shield and Big Dipper 7 Stars Sword.
Diamond Submit Demon!
Heaven Talisman!
Discerning Eyes!
Qi of Emperor!
Qing Shui anything does not attend, overrunning of Diamond instantaneous flash, a series of weakening have used, incurs Jade Emperor Bee Wang He Goldsilver Butterfly.
The poisonous needle kills!
Qing Shui does not dare to hide contraband, directly complete can use uses, completes these him to put out two cold iron shots, direct „double dragon break ” hits toward the forehead of Five-tails Immortal Fox.
Qing Shui does not know that formerly own Heaven Talisman did have to collect the effect, but several cultivation technique of weakening are unable to avoid, his careful feeling had not reduced many strength.
A wooden green ray flashes before, with resounding sounding, black bird works loose from the fetter of Five-tails Immortal Fox, now the Five-tails Immortal Fox strength has surrounded black bird insufficiently.
That side Qing Shui helps actually, that side will certainly win, is equally matched because of they four formidable monster beastly strengths, formerly Qing Shui does not dare to act, the monster beast is different from the human, if appears encounters the opposite party four monster beasts to attack together, such fate is very certainly miserable.
Therefore Qing Shui in seeing day wolf and ice flame Kuang Shi dogfight, but black bird and Five-tails Immortal Fox entanglement time gets rid decisively, Qing Shui chooses black bird because of the black bird reputation, not likely the day wolf and Five-tails Immortal Fox natural disposition is deceitful, said again Qing Shui wants to make Five-tails Immortal Fox see the blood.
This is most important!
Even if chooses black bird same also to take risk, in the riches and honor danger asked that let alone Qing Shui also leaves a way out to oneself, therefore this was also as a last resort, if did not get rid, black bird and ice flame Kuang Shi, once died in battle, can only see that Five-tails Immortal Fox left.
black bird as if special resenting of working loose, if formerly not for nine ice flame Kuang Shi not such easily was fettered by Five-tails Immortal Fox.
Opens mouth is a green fireball flies toward the head of Five-tails Immortal Fox, simultaneously racket both wings, a pair such as the steel and iron common wing howls to pat toward Five-tails Immortal Fox.
Now Qing Shui the brain transfers fast, he also hopes that best is mutually wounded, such can reap profits, but he knows that this possibility is not big, monster beast, although the intelligence quotient is not high, but the intuition is actually very strong, for example the present Five-tails Immortal Fox anything does not attend to wants to escape unexpectedly
How Qing Shui will make it escape, saw that on Five-tails Immortal Fox the silver light dodges, Qing Shui makes Monster Binding Rope hastily!
Qing Shui does not know that Five-tails Immortal Fox displays specifically is any war technique, but he knows that absolutely is the war technique of escaping, but Monster Binding Rope happen to can interrupt its release to fight the technique.
This time just makes black bird feel that Five-tails Immortal Fox avoids hastily, but now it and black bird strength differ too, avoided the union chuck attack actually to be swept the midsection by the giant wing.
Immediately blood directing current!
Qing Shui does not dare to be slightly slow at this moment.
Diamond instantaneous flash!
The Qing Shui rapid appearance under of Five-tails Immortal Fox blood, put out already prepared a good big porcelain insulator to catch, then after the seal, threw into Realm of the Violet Jade Immortal.
Qing Shui fears safely, does not meet the full two big bottles once more!
A drop in the bucket of this blood regarding Five-tails Immortal Fox, let alone now also in unceasing is sprinkling outward, this makes Qing Shui feel wastes specially, once to look for this immortal fox blood rushed about to consume many painstaking care.
The Five-tails Immortal Fox bl