Students considered practical problems as the most important aspects that weaken current accounting
education in Jordanian universities. As shown in Table 6, they view the lack of field visits to work sites of
accountants as the most important weakness aspect in the current status of accounting education followed by
insufficient training courses provided by universities, lack of activities towards developing communication
competences of students, crowded classrooms, lack of necessary accounting software programs, lack of
accounting scientific research courses respectively. This result is almost consistent with that of Yücel, Saraç and
Çabuk (2012) who found that insufficient training courses are the most important problems of accounting
education in Turkey. Similar to that of accounting education weakness aspects in Jordan the findings of Yücel,
Saraç and Çabuk (2012) also indicated that crowded classrooms, insufficient communication skills and inability
to deal with different accounting software programs were some of the education weakness aspects in Turkey (see
also Webb et al., 2009).