He knew he should’ve told her about the kiss but he chickened out. All his friends told him that it was a stupid move because she obviously is going to watch the MV as soon as it’s released. But what his friends don’t understand is that Kim Ah Young is not the type of girl to get sad over a kiss he had to do for a job. Instead she will get even. She won’t be kissing any guys soon but who knows what will happen when they shoot their MV for their comeback. He could only sigh. Luckily he knew how to please her. One word: MEAT. He’s going to bring her to her favorite restaurant and he even bought her favorite dessert for her. He was on his way to pick her up. Besides worrying about that he was really excited to see her. It’s been almost a whole week since they last saw each other. Sure they talked on the phone every night but it wasn’t the same. He had never experienced that kind of longing before. He read about it and even acted it out but it is his first time constantly wanting to be with a particular person.
Thinking about her reminds Jong Hyun that he needs to send a gift to We Got Married PD nim. If it wasn’t for her he would’ve never met Ah Young. He would have never met that wonderful, cheerful, and silly girl. She understands him in ways that other people don’t and was able to get him to come out of shell. He took on the show because his company said it would get him more exposure but he never thought he would fall in love. He knew he felt something for her during the show but was afraid to purse her. He didn’t want to hurt her career and he wasn’t sure if she felt the same. It was his close friend Nana that gave him confidence in asking Ah Young on a date. It was on their first date that his courageous Ah Young confessed to him before he did. He in turn confessed and the rest was history.
He finally pulls up to her dormitory and parks his car. When he and Ah Young started dating they decided they won’t make an effort to hide their relationship. If the media found out then they will let their company deal with it. Making sure he grabs the box of fried chicken he bought for his “sister in laws” Jong Hyun makes his way to the dormitory. He rings the door bell and he heard footsteps that followed with a thud. He laughs because Ah Young must’ve fallen. Twenty seconds later his Ah Young opens the door him. He steps in and hugs her. He takes in her sweet scent all while handing the box of chicken he has with him to Hyeri. Hyeri happily takes the box of chicken and tells him to have fun on their date.
“Are you ok?” He ask her
“Yeah I just tripped over one of the shoes.” He takes in her appearance. He frowns.
“You lost weight.” He stated. She must’ve starved herself because they saw each other just last week.
“Yeah I wanted to lose weight for the cable show awards.” She looks at him with her big brown eyes that constantly draw him in almost making him forget his train of thought
“Well I was going to bring you to your favorite restaurant but since you are dieting then never mind.” He teased but if she said no he would drag her to go eat anyways. He didn’t like her doing such extreme dieting.
“We can still go. It’s protein.” Ah Young said as she put on her shoes.
“You sure?” He continued to tease
“Yes I am 100% sure.” She takes his hand and walks out the door. He’s glad she can’t say no to meat
They got seated immediately once they got to the restaurant.
“Starting off with two servings of beef?” the waitress asked even before they settled in their seats
“Yes please.” Ah Young smiled and answered
“So when’s your comeback?” Jong Hyun asked. He needed to know if they are doing any activity soon.
“It’s pushed back. Minah is going to have a solo album first.” Jong Hyun felt relieved. She won’t have much activity which means she probably can’t get back at him for the kiss.
“While she is doing that I will be doing the show “I’m Going to School.” With MIB’s Kangnam and other idols.”
“So you would be in a school uniform with other boys?” He did not like the sound of that.
“Other girl idols would be there too.” He knew all too well how boys think. After all he is one too.
“Isn’t the MV you are in coming out soon?” He was dreading that question.
“I can’t wait to see it.” Jong Hyun could only smile in response.
Thankfully their food came and Ah Young got distracted. They ate and talked about their schedules. They always try to make a date night whenever they had some free time.Their date ended after he dropped her off at her dorm. He snuck in a kiss before letting her go. It was always hard for him to let her go but he would get to see her again in a couple of days.
It was D-Day. The day the MV is released. He was waiting on her response. He kept checking his phone during his photo shoot. It wasn’t until he was done with the photo shoot that Ah Young texted him
Ahyoungie: You look so handsome in the MV oppa. Great acting! My heart broke when you cried at the end of the MV.”
She wasn’t mad which he had predicted which only means one thing. Revenge. He can only hope she would have mercy on him.
Jong Hyun: Thank you. Are we still on for dinner tonight?
Maybe meat would make her less likely to get revenge
Ahyoungie: Yes Oppa. I am going dress shopping right now for the awards. It shouldn’t take that long.
Jong hyun: Ok I call me when you are done. I can come pick you up.
Throughout dinner Jong Hyun kept expecting some kind of prank but nothing happened. It made him uneasy. Maybe she was really hurt and didn’t want to express it but then again she was smiling, laughing, and eating.
“So you choose your dress for the ceremony?” He asked
“Yep. My dress is daebak oppa. I can’t wait for you to see me in it.”
“You didn’t take a picture of it?”
“I did but I want to surprise you in how beautiful I am going to look in it.”
“Well I can’t wait then.”
After dinner he dropped Ah Young off at her dormitory and he headed home. He was really surprise no prank came his way. His Ah Young must be maturing.
While on the way to the award show his phones blows up with text messages from his friends. He was going to ignore the group chat but his phone kept buzzing so he checked it real quick.
Se Joon: Jong are you there yet?
Woobin: Jong have you seen your girlfriend yet?
Soo Hyuk: kekeke I bet he hasn’t
Young Kwang: I wish I can be there to see his face when he sees sister in law kekeke
He got confused. What are his friends talking about? He ignores them and silences his phone. They were approaching the show soon. All he wanted to do was go find his girlfriend but he had to walk the red carpet and get his picture taken first.
He did the red carpet and pictures as quickly but politely as he could. Once he was inside he power walked to their table. He was a bit sad when he didn’t see Ah Young sitting down. She’s here that he is for sure about. He looks around and he spots her talking Jin Young Noona. They wave at him as he walks up to them. As he gets closer to them he gets a better look at Ah Young’s dress. He almost stopped breathing. Now he understood why his friends asked if he saw Ah Young yet and understood what his mother in law meant when she was talking about Ah Young’s body. She looked so beautiful but he knew this was her revenge. The blackness of the dress brought out her pale milky skin and the shape of the dress highlighted her curves and legs. He immediately wanted to take off his coat and throw it over her so no one else can see her. Even he had trouble keeping his eyes above her chest. He can’t possibly imagine how others are doing it.
“Anyong hae sae yo noona.” Jong Hyun greeted while trying to maintain his cool
“Omo no need to be so formal with me Jong Hyun. Don’t Yura look beautiful? I was just telling her that I bet guys are going to line up to ask her out tonight.”
“She does look beautiful.” He smiled and gritted his teeth. Part of him wanted to wrap his arm around Ah Young to show all the guys at the award show that she is his. But he knew as much as he wanted to do that he couldn’t. Tonight was not the night to be the center of attention.
“Thank you oppa. You look really handsome as well.” His girlfriend tried to act innocent but he saw through her plans for revenge. She wanted to him to be uncomfortable like how she was probably uncomfortable when she saw the kiss in the MV.
“We better get to our seats. The show is starting soon.” Jin Young Noona stated.
“Told you my dress is daebak.” His Ah Young teased while walking to their table
“Who helped you pick out the dress again?” Jong Hyun looking to see if anyone was staring at his girlfriend
“No one. Let’s just say I was inspired after watching your MV.” His Ah Young had a triumphant smile.
“Let me know if you get cold. I will give you my jacket.”
“Ok but I don’t think I will need oppa” It was going to be a long night for him.
He was finally home. He was exhausted from making sure all guys kept their eyes above Ah Young’s neck whenever they were talking. He himself had to make sure he kept his eyes above his girlfriend’s neck.
He checked his phone to see if Ah Young had call or texted him yet. Before they left the ceremony he told her to call or text him when she gets home. He worries about her all the time. He knows her manager will make sure she gets back to the dormitory but he can’t help but worry. All those accidents that happened it idols while they were on the road scared him.
He checks the time. She should’ve been home already. What if she got into a car accident? His heart drops at the thought of that. He quickly takes out his phone and calls her. The phone rings but she doesn’t answer. He tries again and again but no answer. He takes turn and calls her members but no one answered.
His hand is shaking from the fear of Ah Young being