Assignment 3 - Tree Octopus
Website wallthrough / review - real or fake?
Additional Info to fill essay.
- Octopus's natural habitat
- How they breathe
- What do they rely on to live
- Predators
- Escape methods
Body parts
- tentacles
- sensitivity of the suctions, arms of an octopus
- special parts specific to an octopus
"Tree Octopus" info on the zapatopi site.
where they live / how they live / how they survive
- according to the 'fake' website.
Why was the website created?
Who's the author?
Supported by any organizations?
Url structure
Articles about tree octopus - real or fake?
-New York times
-The Guardian
-The Times
-etc reliable sources found in Slides 3
(class 3 Sept.12.2016 now available for personal use.)