The effect of chitosan coating combined with pomegranate peel extract (PPE) on the melanosis and
quality of Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) during 10 days of iced storage was investigated.
The melanosis and changes of total color difference (DE values) were significantly retarded, and the
texture parameters and sensory scores were significantly improved in shrimp treated by chitosan
coating, PPE and chitosan coating combined with PPE, compared with the control. The increase in total
aerobic plate counts, pH and total volatile basic nitrogen values were significantly inhibited in shrimp
treated with chitosan coating, PPE and chitosan coating combined with PPE. The melanosis and sensory
scores, total volatile basic nitrogen values, and total aerobic plate counts of shrimp treated by chitosan
coating combined with PPE were lower than those treated by chitosan coating or PPE alone during the
later stage of iced storage, suggesting that there is a synergistic effect between chitosan coating and PPE.