31. We see how new technologies can open up more sustainable approaches and
more efficient practices. We know that the public sector can raise significantly more
revenues by reforming tax systems, fighting tax evasion, correcting inequities, and
combatting corruption. We know that there is an enormous amount of untapped and
wasted resources that can be directed to sustainable development. We know that forwardlooking
companies are taking the lead by transforming their business models for
sustainable development, and that we have only scratched the surface of the potential for
ethics-driven investment by the private sector. With the right incentives, policies,
regulations and monitoring, great opportunities could abound. We know that a data
revolution is unfolding, allowing us to see more clearly than ever where we are and where
we need to go, and to ensure that everyone is counted. We know that creative initiatives
across the world are pioneering new models of sustainable production and consumption
that can be replicated. We know that governance at both the national and international
levels can be reformed to more efficiently serve 21st century realities. And we know that
our world today is host to the first truly globalized, interconnected, and highly mobilized
civil society, ready and able to serve as a participant, joint steward, and powerful engine
of change and transformation.
32. We have already begun to correct our course towards transformation.
33. The discussion on the Post-2015 Agenda has stressed the importance of the
specific conditions of each country, an advance in perspective from the MDG framework.