The Comprehensive Simulator for Fluidized and Moving Beds or
CeSFaMB was applied for the boiler conceptual design, while IPES
(Industrial Plant and Equipment Simulator) to reach good effi-
ciency for the power-generating unit. The basic assumptions and
strategy of CeSFaMB mathematical and various applications and
validations can be found elsewhere [24,25,27–45].
Various tests were carried using CeSFaMB to maximize the
boiler exergetic efficiency2 by varying the mass flow of injected
pressurized air and the mass flow of injected water in the tube
banks. It was also insured that fluidization conditions remained
within the usual range of bubbling bed dynamics while avoiding
temperatures above the ash-softening temperatures for the carbonaceous
solid particles as well slugging flow. Moreover, complete
fuel devolatilization as well total destruction of tar inside the bed
has been guaranteed. After each boiler simulation, the whole power
generation process was simulated using IPES. The configuration of
such process was modified to maximize the overall efficiency. The
above steps were repeated and the final configuration is shown in