Merchants from Morata came here in droves to trade for those items.
“I am Dapala, I professionalize in selling general merchandise. Please add Dapala to your friend list any time and browse my wares comfortably.”
“Weapons trader Cormac is here. From simple repairs to appraisal and trades. Please come, I will give you a good deal.”
“Ingredient specialist, Hapote. I picked these fresh from a neighbor's house, I sell these ingredients at the smallest possible margin. Please cook yourself delicious meals!”
About 100 merchants came to Vargo Fortress and prepared their shops for business.
“Did they pull their wagons to get here?”
“At best, there are only about a 1000 of us here… there are just too many merchants.”
Although it was convenient to use their services, the players felt sorry for troubling someone who seemed worse off than themselves. Trying to do business in a place with few customers, the competition must be really harsh. They were even able to meet merchants who were famous in Morata.
But on the afternoon of the same day. Other players crowded into Vargo Fortress!
“We arrived!”
“There are no paved roads so it’s really difficult to come here. But still, they say there are so many hunting grounds here.”
“I heard you can meet the elves. Let’s hurry and go talk with them.”
“Wow, it’s completely in ruins! I am going to build a new house and live here.”
As soon as players who leveled up in Morata received the information about Weed obtaining a new territory, they all pushed toward Vargo Fortress. Because Weed was the lord, they assumed Vargo Fortress will be the next to experience an unbelievably fast development.
By coming early and preoccupying their spot, their privilege later on will be greater. Just by building a brick houses near Vargo Fortress to live in they could boast about it to their friends. It was a place with a lot of land to pioneer and many unknown hunting grounds that were spread out.
“I’m going to take a look at the land first.”
Farmers searched around the river to look for fertile flood plains. Adventurers chatted with the elves and barbarians, looking for any decent dungeons in the vicinity. There were many priests and paladins going to dungeons and the Geomchis enjoyed their new found popularity. They fought well and were trustworthy as they tried to protect the priests completely, everyone wanted to have them in their party.
The fortress built from stones was covered with wreckages but many people were already crowding it. The merchants sensed this and ran here in a hurry. Before the sun set, a second and even a third wave of settler groups arrived.
Because there were no magical lamps in Vargo Fortress like Morata, they used bonfires and torches.
And as there were no inns or restaurants, they laid on the stone rubble near the fire to take a brief nap. It was the romance of roasting meat while staring at the stars!
“Hm! Beer that wafts a nice aroma!”
Dwarves were drawn by the smell of beer.
“Please sit down. Do you want a pint?”
Sharing their drinks with the dwarves they became closer. And as queen Teneidon was healed, the fairies became more active.
In Morata and other places they could catch an occasional glimpse once in a blue moon, but here in Vargo Fortress there were many fairies flying around in the vicinity, fluttering with their mysterious silver wings.
In between the business and drinking their beer, if they paused for a bit, they could even hear the fairies talk.
─ It’s meat, meat.
─ The aroma is so good.
─ Eat. Eat. Nom Nom Nom.
The fairies were eating the ribs the people were holding.
Geomchi27 became friendly with a female priest, they walked on the cobble road while they dated.
“This place has a nice atmosphere, don’t you think?”
“It’s scary. The collapsed brick wall… It feels like a monster is going to jump out at any moment.”
“Then I will protect you no matter what.”
Geomchi27 showed off his trustworthy masculine charm.
There were fairies following them as well. They followed behind them like seagulls following in the sea. When the female priest gave them something to eat from her backpack, they even performed aerial stunts!
After spending the night like that, in the morning there were even more people in Vargo Fortress.
Sometimes fairies brought whole orchards or farmlands from the other region, saying they were repaying their debts.
“Two paladins, three priests wanted for a party. We are aiming for a dungeon.”
“Looking for a party member for a nearby dungeon hunt! Level 310 or more, it’s still dangerous so I am gathering as many players as possible before going.”
“Anyone fish? Let’s trade information about fishing and catch some real fish.”
Resident population in Vargo Fortress has exceed over 2,000.
This was the population that came from Morata in just one day.
Due to the active commerce, there is now tax income.
All taxes will be used to repair the fortress.
If the lord’s office is prepared, the tax distribution can be adjusted.
With the immigration of residents, the major repair of Vargo Fortress started. As the fortress was quite large, there were many places that needed repairs. With the collapsed towers and buildings, it looked like they had to be completely rebuilt.
But as immigrants continued to come and with players looking for new adventures, the fortress was filled with new life.
Human merchants weren’t the only ones selling their wares in Vargo Fortress.
“Selling tree fruits, medicinal herbs and seeds.”
Female elves came to trade as well. They sold goods brought from the forests and purchased what they needed. Dwarves came as well, sold quality war materials and went back with wagons full of beers. Barbarians had lots of items they needed as well. They brought in leather and japtem.
This was proof that Vargo Fortress, as an important gateway of the Northern continent, was regaining its previous form.
Weed was hoping for it.
“Make alcohols with fruits from elves, rip off barbarians with hunting goods and shove around dwarves as laborers to make weapons, armors and houses….”
This was the utopian city he dreamt of!
Bingryong was hunting on the mountain near Morata! Every time he roared, monsters hurriedly flatten themselves to hide from him. When he flew around the vicinity of the mountain, his large form struck fear into the monsters.
“This guy is mine!”
Wyverns divided the forests and were hard at work hunting. If a monster stronger than them appeared, the Wyverns could bunch up on it together.
“We should go further in.”
“Further than here?”
“I want to kill something big.”
The large flaming Phoenix flew over the sea and hunted a variety of large monsters. Compared to them, Golden Bird, Silver Bird, Gold Man and Yellowy moved quietly.
“This way. The birds told me.”
They hunted in the hunting ground the birds told them about and hunted together. It was a friendly, happy time!
Sculpture Lifeforms from Jigolaths also hunted in their own territories. Unfortunately there were some who died due to monster attacks but most of them adapted well and were growing up.
Suddenly a Whisper was sent to all of them.
Are you guys doing well?
It was their creator who gave them life!
Bingryong responded too quickly.
“Weapons trader Cormac is here. From simple repairs to appraisal and trades. Please come, I will give you a goo