My dearest,
How are you? hope you are doing great. Thank you so much for your lovely mail and all your immense effort in making this relationship a successful one. My dear, since i started this communication with you, i can feel a new thing happening in my life, almost everything that i touched progressed, may be you are coming into my life with lot of good luck. I can feel this good and wonderful feeling sweeping off my feet. I feel alive, happy and secure with you as well as looking forward to this new life with you if God can give us the chance to be together. It is night time here now, i want to sleep and you are the first thing on my mind so i decided to reply as i don't want to keep you waiting longer for my mail. Sorry my dear, i hope to reply more earlier next time, just that i am a bit choked up with some work, please do bear with me.
I can feel a good chemistry between us that is why i choose to communicate with you alone and build a beautiful relationship with you. From my mind, i don't want us to rush in this relationship because i don't want you to feel uncomfortable with me. First i want us to build the confident and trust from afar. Sometimes I had this imagination of you being by my side and how wonderful it is going to be because you are occupying my heart now and i want us to open our heart and love each other unconditionally. However, I am sure that God has great plan for us and because of that he will bring out the best in us and bind us together with his love. Since this few weeks that we have known, i can't stay minute without remembering and thinking about the wonderful work of God and i keep praying that God should make it easy for us to be together as soon as possible.
I know you may say I am not patient but please understand that I have yearned for a woman like you so long to come into my life. It is not that I can't be patient but it is just that I am so overjoyed having you in my life. And yearn to hear you say you love me and miss me, that will makes me fly without wings. Words cannot describe how happy I am that I have found you and how lucky I will be to have you as my woman. My dear, i know you might wounder why i don't look for women in my place, i need a good woman who is responsible, family oriented and i know that Asian ladies are family oriented, there are few western ladies with such trait in them but it is difficult to find. From my own understanding, how decent a family is depend on how the man conduct matters at home. Any man that envision to build a strong family must learn how to tolerate and how to accept opinion from her wife because from the analysis, women often come up with strong and wisest ideas than men.
Baby, I pray for our relationship to lead us to a brighter future and we can smile for the rest of our lives loving each other unconditionally, please lets work towards a fruitful relationship that will last forever. Please i want you to know that i am not perfect and this is my first time to have a relationship like this. Please do guide me and if i say anything that you don't like, don't hesitate to let me know so that i can take precaution. We can learn from each other, guide each other in all aspects of life, by so doing we can open the vacuum of our heart and allow each other to fill the space. I can feel from you writing and from all that you have shared with me that you are a lovely lady and i will be the most happiest man to have you as part of my life. Till i hear from you, take care, warm regards.
with love,