Marcroscopie exmination:
Received are two pieces of liver lobe, totally measuring 9x8.5x8.5 cm. Cut surface reveals a partially brown mass, measuring 8.5x6.5x6 cm involving liver capsule and 0.5 cm from margin. Representive sections are taken as A=resected margin, B-C=liver capsule, D-G=sampling liver.
Microscopic examination:
Sections show a well cncapsulated tumor that is composed of sinusoidal associated trabecular of hepatocytes. The tepatic cord measures upto four cell thickness. These tumor cells display uniform round nuclei. Occasional multinucleste cells are noted with nuclear atypia. Occasiional pseudogranular appearance are alxo noted. The tumor display no invasive features and confined within the fibrous capsule. The differential diaghosis include hepatic adenoma and well differentiated hepatocellular carcinoma. CD 34 and Reticulin staining is underway to evalate thickness of hepatic cord.